
Should I stop hoping this is my month??

by Guest58844  |  earlier

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I have a 32 day cycle, I ovulated on the 20th and am now about 11 dpo, I tested this morning with early response, got a clear as day negative. Do I still have hope?? or should I just expect AF? I have all the symptoms sore BB's ,discharge...but I get that when AF is coming anyway, tell me what you honestly think?




  1. with my 1st son i didn't test positive till a week late on my period, but as you get sore breast ect when af is due its really hard to say if its pregnancy or pms, there is still hope even though you have got a negative, but i would wait till the 4th to test again if your period does not show, good luck  

  2. i think there is still hope i think u tested a little early but try not to stress it so much that will only make it harder just know that if its meant for u to have a baby then u will....

  3. Sweety I know how you feel for one. Two there is always a possibility that it can happen and I wish I could give you my luck. I had a very hard time trying to conceive. I had to have sugery on my  tubes and also I had a fybrod tumor as big as a grape fruit pushing on all of my organs so I couldnt have babys. I went to the Infertility clinic and I was shocked to know what was going on inside of me. I tryed for 5 years with my first boyfriend and we ended up spliting up because he wanted a family. Yeah sad for me but when I meat my ex-husband we tryed for 3 years after marriage and still nothing. When I had my sugery which was a major one it was 6 months after I had conceived a little boy Luke Thomas Orr. He is now 2 and I am 36 weeks preg with my 2nd and it's a litttle girl .. I know this to much to read but I wanted to share my story with you and I wish you the best of luck ..

  4. There is always hope..... 11 dpo can definitely be too early to test. Try again if you miss your period!

  5. Listen, the number one way to get pregnant is to wait about a week after  your period ends, and just have s*x unplanned. The more you plan the harder it is. I tried to plan it with my second and it didn't work. I stopped thinking about it and ended up pregnant. Also you generally have to wait about a month after you do try to take the test. It takes about that long for the test to read the pregnancy hormone. Good luck!

  6. I had been there a week ago, so eager to test before AF is due. But I waited until she is 4 days late & I got a BFP on Sat. As long as she is not yet, you always have a chance to fall pregnant. I too have sore bbs & light yellow thick discharge. Baby dust to you

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