
Should I stop talking to him?

by  |  earlier

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PLEASE HELPPPP. This can be a little long and complicated. But please read it and tell me what you think.

I met a guy around October Lets Call him Bob at my friends ex boyfriend's house. I thought he was reallllyy cute and i made it my goal to get him. He sent me a message through myspace the day after and he sounded pretty interested like if he was trying to get to know me. I also met his best friend (Peter) who's pretty cute and probably wayyy better for me than Bob. Peter tried talking to me for a couple months but i never really payed any mind to him because i was more interested in Bob and i didnt want that to be an excuse for him not to like me or talk to me. Me & bob started becoming friends, i saw him at parties almost every weekend and we would chat. We would also text and talk through aim at at times. I liked bob and i tried flirting with him a little and he would flirt back by March we would talk on Aim every single day and he would flirt and i was happy =]

Im a pretty complicated person. Im not good at expressing my feelings but i knda did with him. By this time he would call me sometimes and around April he kissed me out of nowhere and one day that he came over we kissed too. He liked me. I liked him. everything was going fine. I liked it this way. I guess i couldve showed i cared for him a little more but thats just the way i am. Well about a week later he told me he was going to take me to the movies on Sunday. we didnt really make an official plan but i remembered it. On Friday night he was being extra sweet and nice to me and i was too but to a certain extent since he was drinking and i didnt really know if he was forreal or not. well from this day he never wrote to me again and he would usually hit me up like atleast 7 times a day. we would literally talk all dayy long. well then he would only hit me up once a day and we would say less tan 5 sentences to each other. On that Sunday he took another girl (Maria) to the movies. We hadnt spoken at all til the following Sunday. We started talking again but just as friends. around June we stopped talking for about 2 weeks again. Then we started being friends again.

During this time I found out about another girl (Cindy) that he had liked for about a year but she doesnt exactly pay mind to him. They talk alot but never kissed or anything. I know she likes him back but for some reason she doesnt get anywhere with him. me & Bob were really good friends now and he would tell me eveything like if i was one of his guy friends. He told me his whole situation with Cindy and that he liked Maria. This bothered me because I still liked him but I just pretended it was nothig. i was trying to be his friend. we would talk on the phone a couple times a week and text each other everyday. Around july we would talk on the phone every single day and he kind of started flirting with me a little and ofcourse i flirted back because i still liked him.

Then we started messing around again even though i knew what he had with those other girls. i became good friends with Cindy and we would go out every weekend to the club. I know this wasnt very smart of me and i jsut put my self in place of getting hurt. Me & bob would hang out all the time and we always kissed and stuff. Nothing more. Lol Around early August I saw him in the mall with Maria. He passed by in the car but she took off so he just waved . then they walked into the same store i was in with my girlfriends.he walked right in and out with her he LIEDDDDD and said he didnt see me but i know he did. After that we got in an argument because of it even though i didnt have the right to get mad since he told me from the beggining to not catch feelings towards him and he told me about the other girls but i couldnt help but like him. I didnt talk to him for two days straight and this is when i knew he really cared because he was Sooo worried that i wouldnt talk to him. well i told him how i felt and we agreed to stay friends. But ofcourse that didnt work 4 days later we were back at it again and weve still been hanging out and messing around ever since.

But now hes starting to hang out with Maria allll the time and he talks to her on the phone and hasnt called me in more than a week he only texts me. he puts away messages on aim that i know are dedicated to her talking about how much he likes her and it really bothers me. I kissed two other guys during this time but i dont really talk to them. they were really one night things and he knows this. he hasnt kissed maria orrr Cindy but it doesnt matter cause they still have something that is way morree than what i had with those 2 guys. hes being really nice to me latley still though but it stilll bothers me ALOTT and im starting to like him ALOT and its really abd and i think its wrong. I want to stop talking to him completley for about two months til im over him cause weve tried being friends several times and it doesnt work. Do you think this is a good idea? Pl




  1. Yes

  2. YES. he's playing with you. better stop communicating with him right away and start moving on. he was like my bestfriend who flirts with me when he doesnt have a girl friend then never talk to me again if he does have.

  3. my eyes hurt... use more paragraphs and i can read this easier

    no by all means do what makes you happy..  nothing is a bad idea unless it's going against something you don't wish to do

  4. Remember your "goal"...4th sentence of the 5382 other sentences in your historical epic ( just teasing ya lol) !

    Hope that helps ! *S*

  5. yes its a good idea

  6. No! carry on with your friendship.  

  7. chick he's just not into you.he is only using you since he knows that you really like him.i suggest you try moving on.there are so many guys out there who will treat you better.and if he tries to get back with you tell him you've moved on and see his reaction.then you will know if he trully cared.nice day.

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