
Should I study Portuguese in Lisboa,Porto, or Faro?

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My family comes from the Azores so I don't know which place in Portugal would fit me well. I love the nightlife and meeting people but I also want to see the scenery and ocean. Or at least give me rundown of what you experienced while at any of those Portugal regions. My main purpose is to live there for four weeks and learn Portuguese all in all.




  1. Algarve will be your best option

  2. the scenery of the ocean will not be a problem, all three cities are right next to it (Lisbon not so much, but still "tastes" the sea)


    Faro: great night life and amusements. great if you want to go on holidays,relax, get tanned and party. maybe too many tourists, depending on the season; it's definitely the most tourism oriented (including shops, I'd say they're rather "shallow" ). sunniest of all the 3, with less rain.

    Lisboa: most commercial of the three. nice to visit, lovely sights. great to experience the "capital life", being the most active city and all. you can party as well. business oriented. also nice weather and everything.

    Porto: most historical of all (the houses and streets, in the city centre, are pretty old). good commercial zones. really great sights and beautiful beaches (seawater is colder that in Faro). great atmosphere =)

    As you come to study, I'd suggest a little research on Coimbra =)  it is known for it's university, being an "University  City"  [cidade universitária] . Very famous Bohemian lifestyle, and very much active at night. Would be the easiest to meet other students (amusing people, those xD ) . Also great views, but quite away from the sea, and has no airport whatsoever. would have to ge there by train after arriving in Portugal.


    by the way, Kisa mentioned "Land of the Little Ones", in portuguese Portugal dos Pequenitos, and it is also in Coimbra ;-)

  3. lisboa

  4. Lisbon is nice if you're more of a city person there is nice shopping centers, beautiful beaches, etc. I absolutely LOVE Porto, though! They have nice shopping, beautiful sightseeing (my grandfathers house is about 30 minutes from Porto and it is by a beautiful vinyard and many more beautiful places to see), they have nice people, and there is quite a few astles in that area too! I do not know much about Faro because I've never been there. :[

    My experience of being in the Porto area 2 times for 1 month each was Wonderful! We ate at nice restaurants, saw castles, went visiting my 99 year old great grandma (we're visting her this winter for her 100th birthday!), My dad's godson lived in an apartment nearby and so went to the beach and visited a Place that translates to the name: "Land of the Little Ones". It was so cute! They have miniature meauseums, playgrounds, and mini castles and churches, even the adults had fun!

    Well, I hope this helped you choose a destination to learn Portugeese!

  5. it depends on what you are looking for. i think if you are looking for a more studious environment, then you should probably go to porto or lisboa. but if you would like to go to school while also being able to go out on the town for some good nightlife like on the weekends and stuff, then i would say faro is your best bet. lisboa has nightlife too, but nothing compared to the algarve. just dont get too distracted... stay on task! =]]

  6. Hi,

    I did a four week Portuguese course last summer in Lisboa and totally loved it.  I found Lisboa to be an amazing city, with plenty of nightlife, lots of history, beautiful architecture, amazing river, nice beaches close by, great food, very nice people,  and so on and on.

    My classes were from 9-12, Monday through Friday and the school offered excursions in the afternoons which were included in the total price.

    I made great friend from all over the world and had the best experience of my life so far.  Also, the classes themselves were very good.  I think they gave me a pretty good level of Portuguese.

    Ohh, I love Portugal and i'm going back in September.  Unfortunately i'm going on vacation with my boyfriend and will not be taking classes this time.  But i totally recommend them.

    So, I say, which ever one you pick i'm sure will be very nice.  Have a great time! (-:

  7. I have been to Lisboa. It is a very nice city, loved it. I have also been to the region that Faro is in, the "Algarve", especially the town of Albufeira. Trust me the Algarve region has the sea and is a very beautiful place. Albufeira has a lot of nightlife and is very very touristy. A lot of British go there for their hoildays. I am from the USA and I did not see one American while I was there. It seems to be a well kept secret. Either way you can't lose!!! I am going again to Lisboa and the Algarve in September. Have fun!!!!!!

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