
Should I study abroad in Brazil or Mexico?

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I can't decide what I want to do. I would really love to study in Mexico because I am half Mexican but growing up in Ohio I learned very little about the Mexican culture and only spoke English as a kid. I think a semester in Mexico would be a great opportunity to get in touch with my cultural heritage. Also my Spanish is a lot better than my Portuguese so it would probably be easier for me and I think after a semester I'd definitely be fluent in Spanish. However, at the same time I'm also fascinated by the Brazilian culture and love the Portuguese language. I think a semester there would probably be enough to get me to become at least close to fluent in Portuguese but it would probably be extremely difficult for me to take courses in Portuguese at least at the beginning because my Spanish is a lot better than my Portuguese. Also I think that even if I don't spend a semester in Mexico I will probably become fluent in Spanish eventually anyways.




  1. BRAZIL! you will be welcome here!

    good luck!

  2. Brazil/Brasil, definately.

    this is probably one of your only chances to learn this new language and learn more about this culture.

    You have more chances to learn about your Mexican heritage from family and you can also go to Mexico later in life.

    (plus, Brazillian people are hot. lol)

  3. Brazil.  I don't have any experience to back this up, but it seems like it would be easier for you to get to Mexico later in life (for example, if you have family there).

    Also, some friends have told me it's easier to learn and understand Spanish if you already know Portuguese, but it's more difficult to pick up Portuguese if you speak Spanish.

    As for becoming fluent, you have a pretty good chance of doing that no matter where you go, if you make the most of your opportunities.  If you're attending an American program and stick with your classmates, you won't learn much, but if you go out on your own and interact with the natives, you'll learn a lot.

  4. Seems like you are very confortable about Mexico, so I would say come to Brazil, nothing can be better than challenge yourself. Get stories to tell.

    But, sorry to tell you that, if you have no background information about Portuguese, 6 months might not be enough. Unfortunately, I can lie about that, Portuguese is difficult to learn even for a person that borned in here like me.

  5. Go for Mexico!

    I am mexican living abroad and you have no idea how I miss the culture and the warmth of my people.

    If you have a mexican background you should know a little bit more about it. I don't think you know what you are missing :D

    You can't go wrong. trust me.

    About Brazil you can still go and visit some other time!

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