
Should I study abroad in Greece or Turkey?

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Should I study abroad in Greece or Turkey?




  1. Greece!  (thought only because I'm a huge Olivia Newton John fan ...)

  2. Turkey. They have great educational system, everyday costs are cheaper than Greece and people are nice, friendly and hospitable

  3. That's a toughie.

    I think Greece, no wait Turkey.

    It really depends on your historical and cultural preferences. I would choose Turkey, because I am fascinated with the Bible, and I would really get more out of the culture there as opposed to Greece. I'd try to study in Greece too though, because a lot more can be learned from the Brit Chadasha (New Testament) by living there, because you could take Greek courses.

  4. I think Greece would be safer.

  5. Both are great! In both countries the people are nice  Foods Great.. Educational system in all EU countries are good, but Turkey isn't part of the EU so I don't know about their educational system. Greece has a lot of history. You might be more safe in Greece.

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