I am from CA, and in Fall 2009 i am planning to go to college, i have always been interested in Psychology and I hope to become a psychologist (or go into counselling in my future)
But i am interested to know, how hard is it to get a job after college, after majoring in Psychology? ( If i decide on the psychology route i deffinatly plan on getting my MASTERS)
I would much appreciate anyone doing a psychology degree at college, or someone who has in the past to reply with your views on how the course is and what you are doing now (if recieved the degree) or what your plans are.
I am also looking into teaching(elementry), as it seems like a safer choice for me to go for, as ive had many work experience placements at schools and have gotten the feel of an elementry school atmosphere. I feel that if i went for a teaching degree i would not want to stick with teaching forever, and would like to move onto somthing in psychology. So would it be possible for me to major in elementry education, and minor in psychology and still be able to go in counselling in the future? For some reason i feel that it wouldnt be possible to go the other way around, Major in psychology and minor in Elementry education. Or is this possible?
Overall i would love someone with experience in these areas to reply with their advice/thoughts to help me with my decisions.