
Should I sue Burger king?

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My family and I was at Burger King last night and when I bit into my fish I felt something hard in my mouth, I took it out and what I saw looked like a large plastic tack, like a thumb tack, but two times the size and solid plastic. I took it to the Manager, who then called the crisis line they took a report, gave me a chicken sandwich and sent me on my way! After I was home a couple hours, a man called from BK and took more info., then told me BK corp. would be calling me today. (They kept the plastic) What should I do-if anything?




  1. go to bk website and tell them what happened

  2. You had a better chance of suing if you still had the piece you could have took a picture of it with your cell phone but its too late now dont sign any paper work they migth give you and if they contact you againg tell them to call your lawyer if they have any questions.

  3. no, mistakes happen, and you're not hurt

  4. Well if your suit happy call a lawyer but you didn't get hurt or sick so what is your issue?  I had something happen with a drink and just took it back and got a new drink..

    Fast food companies take a dim view of people who fake 'things' in their sandwiches after that last chick said she had some sort of thing in her hamburger or chicken.  

    Whatever it was no harm done.

  5. Accidents happen, and people are too money and sue happy these days. As long as you weren't hurt, I would just cooperate with them and leave it at that.

  6. Well you should probably not eat fast food they have food  that's not good for Anyone

  7. wait until bk contacts you again and see what they say

  8. It sounds like they are looking into the problem.  If you were hurt by the tack, and they didn't offer you assistance than I would see a reason to sue, but only if you told them you were hurt and they ignored it.  It sounds as though they are looking into the problem and maybe making sure it doesn't happen to someone else.  Things like this happen, its part of life, but if your not hurt than why sue.

  9. * Wait a week and see what happens , if nothing is done then go to your lawyer and ask what you can do about it Good Luck *

  10. first of all, why would you eat there? their food can kill you. with high calories and high in everything. its gross and can make you fat. just like mcdonalds. and any other fast food junkies. yuck!

    anyway, what had happened to you was horrible. you shouldve keep that plastic for evidence and sue buger king. and one more not and i repeat do not eat at burger king anymore!

  11. wow sound funny , gross  i never heard that before but i had seen and that some one who was working at one of the burger king where i usedo lived before and that day  my dad order a big mc cheese burger sandwitches and later he saw a piece of long black hair inside his cheese burger ewww. . and he had asked the manager what with this why is there a hairs , the the guy said i dont know then . then my dad said gosh where is youre boss , he said he isnt here , then later my dad and i just left there and never came back . cause it wasnt first time that my saw something in his foods . anyways in case it does happen to you again you should sue  them . for not gaving you the right answers or even cant do anything about this problem .

  12. Dont sue them.....& dont go to there again...

  13. You would just be suing to get money, not because of any personal damages.  You should not sue.   We have enough legal garbage going on in this country already;

  14. That is the reasons i don't really trust fast food! I had something like that happen to a friend of mine at Taco Bell! He got a burrito and bite into it and there was a rusty washer like a strew and it chipped his tooth really bad! He was trying to talk to the manager about it but they never agreed to talk to him!!! No telling what you can find in your food and places like that!!! They are nasty!!!

  15. You would have to show some sort of monetary damages or some kind of pain and suffering to get anything out of it.

    I'm sure that they will hook you up with something to keep you as a happy customer.  Just wait for the call and see what they have to say.

  16. The question of where it came from, who put it there, and why are good ones to be asking.  Truth is, they are probably asking the same questions, hopefully there wouldn't be any reason for someone to just do that to you, so lets take that question out of the equation and go with where it came from...probably an accident more than likely and that is only if there hasn't been any reason for someone to do that to you.   With that in mind, a rational approach to this incident although realistically frightening, (it could have happened to a child and been a lot worse, thank goodness it wasn't a child), not to lessen it's priority to you.  I think that you could peacefully settle this with BK if you feel you need more justification, not necessarily going to the extent of a lawsuit, no one got hurt.

  17. If you werent hurt then quit trying to be one of those people out for a quick buck and go and get a job.  If you werent hurt then you have no case anyway

  18. Settle out of court, most corporations will offer you some kind of settltment just to keep this quiet.

  19. Get a lawyer. Tell a lawyer what happened. But once you sue our fish sandwiches are going to be more expensive.

  20. I would. If they reported, it shouldn't matter if you have the plastic piece or not

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