
Should I sue my dentist?

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I went to a new dentist about 3 months ago to get a root canal (#19 tooth, second from back). During the root canal I felt the drill slip twice but thought nothing of it. About a week later, my lower jaw was swollen to the size of about 1/3 of an orange. I went back in and the dentist said it was an unsuccessfull root canal (the x-rays look like he drilled through my tooth completely) and that he had to pull my tooth because it was chipped during the procedure. I let him pull it, then a week after that it was still swollen, so i went back in and he had to pull out a bunch more bone that was protruding from where my tooth used to be. Now it has been over 2 months since then and my jaw still has a big bump in it, making my smile very crooked and it affects my social life.

Please let me know if this is grounds for suing, I still have the extra bone that was extracted and the digital before and after x-rays.




  1. Definately sue him/her because he/she had no right to do that.

    my dentist gave me a filling and it fell out and when i lterally pulled out the filling i found a big peice of cotton in my mouth! and now i have half a tooth gone and getting another filling!

  2. Definitely. That's malpractice, and what if you're permanently effected by that? Yeah, sue his ***.

  3. yes you have a complete right to sue . as a patient/ customer you went in requesting a service that in any other dentistry would be considered simple and normal , the chances of a root canal failing are very low its almost the most common dental procedure to preform and you should not suffer for the dentist's ignorance he was not qualified for the job and he deserves whats coming to him.

    my aunt had he tonsils taken out and the dr scratched her vocal cord , she lost her voice for 2 months and had pain eating she sued the dr and he got suspended even though he's supposed to be popular in this Field .

    so the way i see it u 2 have pretty much the same case sue him and let justice take its course, besides if you don't other people are gonna suffer just like you did .. are willing to live with a guilty conscious ?

  4. DEF!

  5. Indeed you should, it's malpractice, possible disfigurement, and pain and suffering.

  6. h**l YEA, SUE THAT "DENTIST".

  7. I came to this question initially intending to tell you to forgive and not sue the dentist, but now that I have read it all, wow--I think I would get a lawyer--but also whatever dentist he sent you to for a follow-up to see why the lump is there--could be serious.  I'm sorry to hear of your very bad experience with your dentist, was he drunk or what?  Your lawyer will be able to research how many times he has been sued in the past, etc. Good luck, and best wishes.

  8. Yeah you should!

  9. I would definitely talk to a malpractice lawyer. This dentist should not be allowed to practice dentistry.  

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