
Should I sue my mother-She scammed my brothers and I out of 30,000 a piece-please advise!!!!?

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In 1983 my folks got divorced. In lieu of child support my father gave her a 3 family home that brought in 3000 a month in rental income.

In the divorce decree it stated that if the house was sold before we turned 18, we would get a portion of the sale (30%) I believe. She sold the house for 775,000.

She never gave us a dime. Didn't pay a rent sent for us to go to school. All 4 kids were kicked out before the age of 18. I have not spoken to her in years. She is neglectful and in the past physically abuse. We spent 3 yrs in foster care due to neglect and child abuse. (She tried to kill me and left me on the school steps in a pool of vomit and blood).

My brothers never wanted to sue (let by gone's be by gone's) But now I am angry. She has since remarried to a man 15 yrs her junior and she is putting him thru school for a second time. The money from the house was for us to go to college.

For yrs. she has promised to repay the money but never did. I am mad and I want to sue her for my portion. Please advise.

She is a wicked woman who has abandoned her entire family including her parents. AS they aged she made NO effort to assist them in any way. I know she is my mom but I need the money and sometimes needs to put a stop to her wicked ways.

Thanks In Advance




  1. Are you kidding? Drop it and walk away. Get on with your life. Yeah, I'm sure we could all use the money, and we've all got a story to tell about our upbringing (some not as bad as yours, some worse). Point is, the money was NEVER in your hands or yours to begin with. So she took it and didn't give you a dime, life's not fair, get over it. If you think suing her will stop her "wicked ways", you are VERY naive. And no money doled out for school? Oh, what a shame. Not many parents pay for their children's university or college. Sorry I can't cry you a river, but I'm sure if you speak with people, you'll find your family situation to be more common than you think.  Be happy she's abandoned you, the only thing that keeps her a part of your life at this point is you. Walk away and don't look back. Live your life and forget about the money, IT'S ONLY MONEY. Get on with your life already. She's never really been a mother to you, why on earth would you expect anything from her?

  2. Yes if it's not too late talk to lawyer to find out on the statue of limitations.

    good luck

  3. yes you don't even tralk to her anyways

  4. sue her for how much ever u can get out of her make her poor let her see how it feels

  5. well before you sue her remember that she is the woman that gave birth to you and i understand how it feels to be neglected and abused...but if you really want to sue her i say go for it after all i cant control what you do but if you really want to talk to a lawyer and see what he/she says abut the current situation

    email if you have any further questions...Danny B. thats me!

  6. Forget about her.  All it's doing is making you miserable and if you got a lawyer it would just cost you a lot of money.  I doubt very much you'd ever get anything from her.  Get on with your life and live as if you don't have a mother.  If she hasn't done anything by now to help you or anyone in your family she never will.  Some people should never become parents.  Just move'll be a better person for it.  I wouldn't acknowledge her anymore nor communicate with her anymore.

    There is so much hate in your letter and I don't think that's the kind of person you want to be.  Just thinking about her makes me sick.

    I had one of those and my life was never so good until I admitted I never really had a Mom.  I may have been born by her but she should never have had children.

    Greedy people hurt others and don't care.  Many of them suffer from loneliness and depression because they have no compassion or conscience.  Sooner or later it catches up to them and bites them on the butt.  They're sad and pitiful.

    Just tell everyone you don't know who your Mom is...because you truly don't.

  7. i would

  8. You have to remember that no matter what she does or how "wicked" she acts she will always be you mom.  I can understand your frustration with her though. It is  not fair for her to be spending money on somebody probably pretty close to your age. You should do what feels right to you. But you should understand the consequences that sueing her may have on your relationship. If you feel like your relationship with her is already shot to you know where, then go for it!

  9. Before I read the whole story my instinct was to say let it go.  But after reading what kind of a woman your mother is, I would say yes, you should go after the money you are rightfully owed.  She needs to learn to take responsibility for her actions.  

    Your siblings may change their mind too, if you start to take action.

    Good luck!

  10. Here's what I would do:

    1st, discuss with a lawyer.

    2nd, tell your siblings your decission.

    3rd, sue her for the 30,000 you were scammed of, then 5,000 more for the abuse.

    4th, enjoy your money =) hope I helped

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