
Should I sue the person that coined the phrase "green living"??

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Green have always been my favorite color, even when I was little. Now I hate to even hear the word green because of the "green living" n***s. So should I sue the person that coined the phase for pain and suffering??




  1. sure, spend all of your "green" on attorneys fees and investigators to find and sue the person.

    That will help the cause!

    .... Moron

  2. I hope you are being sarcastic.  Somehow I don't think it would work.

  3. Sure. Why not? I don't think you are going to get very far, but ok.

  4. Oh, please do, please do.

  5. You must be joking.  No way you can be serious.

  6. If you want to be laughed out of court and pay all court costs, go right ahead.

  7. maybe you are just green with envy....

  8. People have sued and won for less trival things.

  9. No,

    Whoever invented the color Green gets first rights.

    Maybe they should be suing you for using it.

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