
Should I swich to Ice dance?

by  |  earlier

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I have been struggling with my double jumps and even my axel for the past 2 years or so, i used to be able to do much harder things than I am able to do now. My spins have improved and my musicallity, but i feel like i am past my prime with my jumps. Should i try ice dance instead? I have grown to like watching it a lot more than i did previously and appreciate interprtaion of the music more. Do you think it would be hard to give up spins and jumps though?




  1. i did both and it was fun.

  2. You don't have to give up jumping and spinning to ice dance!  I do both.  I'm like you-  my jumps aren't near as good as my spins and moves(I'm working on Intermediate moves, I can do most flying spins and backwards bielmen, but I am stuck on the double sal).  you should try ice dancing.  it is so much fun, and it has actually helped me in freestyle skating.  I'm sure it helped me to land my axel!

    go for it, and good luck =]!

  3. it is hard going through times like that with your jumps.. it is a hard time deciding weather or not to give up. Have you been injured? Grown? gained weight? lost weight? have emotional problems on your mind? all of these things can throw off your jumps temporaraly, but 2 years is a long time. I would say that it would not hurt to try it, you probably won't need to get new blades and boots just to try ice dance. Many singles skaters test a few easy dances to improve thier edges, flow etc. have fun!

  4. Never hurts to try something.

    As the kids start to get older and rinks run out of coaching slots you will see and greater number of people taking up dance so soon you will have a better number of people to compete against, too.

  5. Sounds great!! However, keep a few things in mind.

    Ice dancers use a shorter blade so as to have less chance of tripping up, so you'd have to buy a new blade and possibly a new boot.

    You need a partner and males are hard to find in this sport, so to say. It's like 10 females to 1 male, I suppose. [Unless you are male in which case you should have some options. ;) ]

    There are a bunch of compulsory dances you have to learn to pass tests and to compete.

    It's a nice idea and I have considered it myself, but while there are no jumps it's still hard. But try it anyway, go for it. Put up a sign at your rink that you are looking for a male/female partner. You can say singles experience needed only, no previous dance since this is your first time as well. Wait and see what happens. Ask your coach if any males/females are looking.

    How old are you btw?

    Good luck!!

    P.S. You can always still practice your jumps and spins, you just need to practice other things like the required dance steps so most ice dancers probably don't care to learn the jumps. (Though I would guess most if not all can do singles because almost everybody starts as a singles skater.)

  6. You never know 'til you try!!  If you start ice dancing and decide you enjoy it - go for it and pursue it!!  

    You can always take dance along side with freestyle - no need to give up jumps and spins just yet!!  Maybe make it a short term goal of passing the beginning dance tests.  See if this discipline is for you before you decide to make the committment to drop freestyle altogther.  Or take a temporary break from freestyle to do dance . . . that may actually help with your freestyle as you'll feel more refreshed (mentally, physically, maybe emotionally).  

    I know a few skates who made the switch . . . some enjoyed it and went on to test and compete at high levels.  Others have decided it wasn't for them (including me - although I do like watching it!!!).  Although I do like skating with a partner,  I am just not a solo pattern skater and not a fan of strict tempo music . . . but I know you have to go through all that (oh those compulsaries) - in the beginning at least.  But that's just me.  

    So, it will depend on what your enjoyment on the ice is.  Maybe being away from spins and jumps for a while will help to decide if you really would miss doing them - or not!  Remember you can always go back to freestyle!!  

    Best of luck deciding!!

  7. It's worth a shot!  I have hit a similar point as you....I have been skating waaaay longer than I feel like my age and skills reflect, or as I put it, I have more ambition than ability!  I have also thought about taking up dance, but continuing to do freestyle....I just have to find a money tree to pay for it all!  :)

    If I were you, I'd take dance too.  If you enjoy watching it, it may be fun.  It will give you something else to work on and problems with jumps may seem like less of the focus because they're not the only thing you're working on.  Also, successes in dance may help you feel like you're out of your rut with freestyle.  If you hate dance, you don't have to continue with it.  Dance also has its challenges, but it can also greatly help the rest of your skating.  Good luck! :)

  8. I would suggest trying ice dancing if you feel that you would enjoy it. If you don't enjoy ice dancing as much then go ahead and go back to figure skating. Good luck!

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