
Should I switch schools in the middle of the year?

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my son is 5 years old and is is in kindergarden in a 12-1-1 class at a public school. He is learning nothing..absolutly 0! i hired a special ed tuder and she comes to my house 2x a week..he has learned to recgonize 7 letters and 1/2 the sounds from her. Now he working on writing. When I spoke to his teacher, she assured me that the class is difficult and I should be happy he has no label. 3 kids are autistic ..some have a form of autisum..mine is not autistic..he is defiant O.D.D.

Anyway, my tuder works in the montessori school and they have what is called the special room. 5 kids, all hi functioning and ages 6-9 mixed together with 2 teachers..each child works at his own pace. Should I move my kid out of the public school now, or wait for him to start in the summer? He is in kindergarden and remember kindergarden is now like 1st grade, not like when I was young.




  1. You know your son better than anyone else.  Do you think he'd transition well?  If his tutor would be working with him there, there would at least be something familiar to him.  It wouldn't have been an option for my son.  He flipped out and refused to get on the school bus when they changed drivers.  If you feel he'd handle the change well, I'd definately change now.  If not, I'd keep getting the additional tutoring and wait until next year.

  2. move him not before its too late !

    come on he needs good education

  3. Move him now.  Sounds like the public school is bad.  The private place has a better ratio of teacher to student.

  4. This is a tough question.   What I would do is keep my child in the program he is now and supplement that with tutor, so the my child won't fall too far behind and in the summer put in another school were he's going to learn.  Good Luck!

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