I feel guilty just thinking about, my LO is almost 4 months old and is exclusivley breastfed. I'm so drained and tired, I'm starting to get very cranky... It's taking it's toll on me. I know BF is best for my baby boy but I've been thinking about switching him to formula, or at least supplementing, I have a good milk supply and about 400 oz sitting in the freezer. How does supplementing work, how much would I have to use? How do I do a safe switch? I talked to the pedi and he said it's fine to switch, because I told him I'm looking at switching him at 6 months but now I might want to supplement... oh I don't know. My DH is being supportive. Is it normal to feel this drained? I don't know anyone else who BF around here... I could use some answers.... I planned on doing it 12 months orignially, after I started the first two weeks were hard and did it from day to day... then it got easier and now it's a lot of work because he is kicking and waving his arms and smiling, etc the entire time he's feeding. He is one energetic baby.
Thanks for listening! lol!