
Should I take Accutane?

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I am a 17 year old female. My acne isn't severe, as in all over my face, but I get Cystic acne: Huge,deep pimples on my nose and around my nose and on my back.

I also have extremely oily skin. Severely oily even. I use up those Clean and Clear Oil Blotting sheets so fast, it's ridiculous. I can see the oil coming through my pores. I don't know anyone else as oily as me.

But, I already have been diagnosed with clinical depression and am currently taking antidepressants (Lexapro). My family has a history of depression.

I have asthma.

and I have eczema.

Do you think the bads of Accutane outweigh the goods in my situation?

Please share your Accutane experience, and if you would reccomend it for me based on my current symptoms.




  1. Yes, you can, but you need to consult with your physician(s) about your depression, in addition to your acne, and be sure to coordinate your care if you are receiving care from different doctors. I will provide a link where a study was done in 2005 documenting that acne patients treated with acne reported *less* depression and better mood than those treated with other acne treatments. (Accutane is so much more effective than other treatments that it really cannot be compared to anything else.)

    You do not have to have a full face to acne to be considered a good candidate for Accutane therapy.  Your oily skin combined with cystic acne with the potential for scarring that extends beyond your face, to include your back, is what will determine your candidacy for treatment with Accutane.

    Accutane will not affect your asthma (asthma is an allergic/immune condition), but it might aggravate your eczema some since that is related to dry skin.  However, steroid lotions (the recommended therapy for many cases of eczema) can be used while on Accutane and will reduce the itching sometimes experienced with Accutane.

    Also, many patients have reported improve self-image and improved mood after completion of Accutane therapy because their acne was damaging their self-esteem and self-confidence. If your skin is affecting your outlook, mood, or your desire to socialize, then it deserves medical attention. Good luck!

    From WebMD: Accutane May Not Increase Depression

  2. Noooooo  do not use Accutane with all your other problems it might get worse or burn your face.

    Try a dermatoligist,, they can give you a prescription ..other than that you need to use a cleanser that is oil free and makeup that is oil free. Clean your face real good  then use a cotton ball with alcohol  that will help dry your face.  Do this 2 to 3 times a day. They have so many new things on the shelves of the pharmacy  Ask the pharmacist to advise you.

    Good luck

  3. I wouldn't. with all the side  affects that come with the product that can relate directly to what you and your family experience.

    I had an interesting thing happen at the dermatologist office. In the lobby she had a copy of a book that she found on the internet.  I asked if I could get a copy and she gave me one. The book goes over step by step the procedure for getting rid of acne and keeping it away with a good maintenance program.

    Me and my girlfriends went on it 2 weeks before school started and we all had clear faces and next week are class pictures and we are all on the routine face cleaning.

    Give it a shot, it worked for us and one of my girlfriends has skin like you described!



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