
Should I take Concerta EVERYDAY?

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I'm a college-age kid. I just got prescribed Concerta. Does the meds take full affect after one dose or does it take a while to work after I take it everyday for a few days. But if I take it everyday wouldn't the affect wear off, because of a tolerance effect.

Is it ok just to take it when i need it. (When I have classes or tests).





  1. I am curious, my stepson takes concerta and he is 8. His mother never sends his medicine with him on the weekends we have him so on Friday he is quiet and very behaved because she has given him his meds that morning, then on saturday he is bouncing off the walls so severly he cannot even stand still without crossing his legs repeatidly till he falls down over and ever. Then on Sunday he either sleeps all day or the same as saturday reoccurs AGAIN!!! So should he take it everyday or not???

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