
Should I take Jazz Band or AP French?

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Here's my schedule for next year (Junior year in high school)

AP Calculus

AP Physics

IB English


Symphonic Band


Jazz Band is really fun and we're touring California next year (symphonic band will go too) and the teacher is totally awesome!

But then again I want to stay a year ahead in French and take AP to look good for college

rearranging my schedule is out of the question because French and Jazzband are offered only once in the same period. So what do you think?




  1. Think about your go with AP French

  2. You should take an elective such as music such as jazz band. Do your really want to take French or would like to German, Italian, Spanish or Latin. I am sure something can be worked out with the amount of classes that you are taking. The college will give full consider the jazz band as a very rewarding activity. The best of luck to you.

  3. Your future is important, yes, but so is your happiness. If you're sitting in AP French next year but wishing you were in Jazz Band, well that'll just be no fun.

    You already have a very impressive schedule listed for next year: two AP classes, an IB and economics. It's clear that you're not a slacker.

    IMO, Jazz Band won't count against you on college applications. But since you're already in Symphonic Band and they go on the California tour, as well, I think variety in your schedule will benefit you.

    It really all comes down to what you want more: it's sensible to take French, but if you're ONLY doing it to look good to colleges, stick with Band. You'll be happier. But if you like both equally, take French. I don't think it'll hurt you, either way.

    P.S. UNLESS you're planning on applying to super competitive schools. If so, you'll want to take AP French--the more AP classes, the better in that case.

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