
Should I take Kung Fu or Tae Kwon Do?

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Which fighting style in your opinion is more useful and/or more interesting........




  1. There are different types of Kung Fu you can learn, some are just like TKD while others concentrate more on the 'soft' style of Martial Arts. I would take (a) Kung Fu style because it is just a bit more varied then TKD is at the moment.  

  2. Most definately take Kung Fu. Not only is it the most dangerous form of Martial Arts, but also the most effective. In other Martial Arts, you allow your opponent to inflict damage on you multiple times before, according to the morals of the form, you are in reason to fight back. Also, other forms of Martial Arts do not offer very much weaponry training. At my Kung Fu studio in Texas, we had over 100 different types of weapons affixed to the wall, and you would get to use every one of them on your journey to your black belt. In addition, Kung Fu has extensive training in weapons and weaponless defense tactics. This means that if you were put in a real life situation, you would be able to defend yourself better with the skills from Kung Fu, unlike Tae Kwon Do, which is more of a recreational Martial Art than a useful one. Sure, you could hurt somebody with Tae Kwon Do, but you could make somebody defenseless and incapacitate them with simple Kung Fu techniques, whether they come at you with a gun, a knife, or just fists. All in all, as a National Championship Gold Medalist in Kung Fu, I would reccomend it as opposed to Tae Kwon Do.

  3. kung fu is very deliberate movements, paying a lot of attention to breathing, chi, and force. tae kwon do is very geared towards striking and kicking.  the choice is yours, but if u want a good mix u should try kempo.  

  4. I've been training in Tae Kwon Do for eight years now, and I've found it really helpful and interesting. You learn a large variety of things, from forms, stick training, gun defense, knife defense. It's all very realistic, so  I think personally that it's a better martial art to start training.

  5. Tae Kwon Do doesn't have a song, so I'd take Kung Fu for the whole Kung Fu fighting song! :)

  6. Tae Kwon Do - I take both but Tae Kwon Do is better cause its the art of self-defense and striking.

  7. i would suggest Kung Fu.

    Taekwondo right now is to commercialized and watered down. They will most likely teach you how to kick/strike for points, instead of teaching you to kick through the target.

  8. Kung fu as it has 100's of various styles to choose and learn.

    Best wishes :)***

  9. I take korean songham taekwondo at the american taekwondo association (ata). It is very useful because it teaches you a lot of self-defence and its interesting because each belt color has a story behind it and they teach you about the history of the ata. check out for more info.  

  10. Neither!

    Unless you're in korea, Tae Kwon Do is like McDojo 101.

    They're everywhere, and most all of them are useless for self defense. I know this because I used to do Tae Kwon Do, came 3rd in the WORLD sparring championship, and still got my *** kicked outside the dojo.

    I also did Kung Fu for a bit, it was better than Tae Kwon Do, but alot of Kung Fu is really like a wushu type thing, where most of what you are learning really looks cool. (Example, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, and other showman martial artists all trained in Kung Fu)

    I would take karate over either of those, Shotokan, Shorinjiryu, Goju ryu, any of those.

    BUT over ALL of those... I'd take boxing, kick boxing, muay thai, jiu-jitsu, or judo.

    Good luck.

  11. Tae kwon do is more diverse and more fun to learn.

  12. Neither, if anything mixed martial arts. Comes more in-handy in fights or self defence, because your an all-around fighter. It's very intresting because its like kickboxing, wrestling and other martial arts. Plus the good places don't require you wearing some uniform. Ever seen the movie,"Never Back Down." Thats what I'm talking about.

  13. go to a couple of classes of both and decide which one you like better. persoanlly a like kung fu.

  14. Take the one that you want to learn more. You become better at the things you enjoy doing. If you don't enjoy doing it you will suck, but if you enjoy it you will be great. Look at the schools. Which school do you feel more at home with, which of the two will stretch you more. These are questions you need to ask yourself when picking a school and/or style.  

  15. the art is only as good as the person is. if you suck the art will suck. naturally since i practice tkd i would say tkd...but ive also taken a couple of courses in kung fu...i like them both and i wish i had the time and money to practice both. by the way, in the tkd school i attend we DO practice useful self defense techniques such as knife defends so dont listen to anyone who tells you that you dont learn such things cuz its a load of c**p. we also learn some joint locks and throws.

  16. Kung Fu. But which style of kung fu; since their are mutiply styles of the art.

  17. kung fu unless ypu like to kick ALOT

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