
Should I take US Dollars to Cancun or Pesos?

by  |  earlier

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I've been told 2 different things, and I'm going in just over a week, so wanted to know how much I need to change up, I'm staying on All Inclusive.




  1. In all the place of cancun acept dollars.

  2. The merchants will accept either dollars or pesos, but it would be better to take pesos.  When you spend dollars in Mexico, the merchants will not give you the official exchange rate for that day--there will be a slight rounding, meaning you will lose a little bit with each purchase.  Also, if you try to pay for something with a U.S. bill that is slightly torn, it will not be accepted.

  3. I go to mexico every summer for a month and I use the ATM too, it is a faster safer option. The rate varies, but usually I figure it out like this,

    1 dollar = 10 pesos

    5 d = 50 pesos and so on, just add a cero

    Don't think that you have a bunch of money if you have one hundred pesos. Also it is better if you are shopping to just get a little bit of money out, because if you don't speak spanish they will not let you bargain but if you show that you only have so much and then go somewhere else and come back after a bit it might work better for you.

    Have fun!!

  4. There is no need to buy pesos outside of Mexico.  you will NOT get a good exchange rate.

    There are .a.t.m s all over and at the airport.

    Dollars are accepted but you will not get your best rate.

    If you use an A.T.M. at the airport you will get the rate of the day that your bank is giving plus a usage fee $1.50 each time you use one.  The rates that you  see on the websites give you the "Spot Rate" and .you will get less than that anywhere.

    Example  Fridays close was 10.46 and the banks in Mexico are giving 10.25

  5. I've been to Cancun two times and I've always brought a decent amount of cash. Never have had any money stolen and never have used an ATM in Mexico.

    You should bring small bills to tip your maid, bartenders, etc. A small tip goes a long way. And if you are going to the clubs, I recommend tipping your first bartender like $20 and he will take care of you for the rest of the night non-stop.

    If you are planning on making phone calls to the US I recommend buying an international phone card and using your hotel's public phone. That way there are no hidden charges.

    Don't convert a lot of your money into pesos either, as stated above most places accept US dollars.

    Have a great time!

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