
Should I take a Science subject at A-Level?

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...even if it's not what I want to do in the future?

I heard that they're very challenging and respectable A Levels to have.

Right now I'm thinking of taking: Maths (I heard this was considered a Science as well?), English Combined, Psychology and Philosophy.

I prefer English subjects and it's what I want to do in the future but I'm capable of whatever really (got 8 A*s and 3 As in GCSEs)

In Chem I got an A* so I'm thinking I could take this.

So.. what do you think? I don't really want to take 5 A levels...

Thanks for the help. It's so hard to decide and I have to do it soon >_<.




  1. Science is definitely a very good subject to have as an A-Level, but I don&#039;t really know if it would help you. It&#039;s very respectable to do a science, but would you be doing it just for this reason?

    Personally, I&#039;m doing Maths, Further Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Physics for AS.

    Have you considered doing an AS in a science, then just dropping it for A2?

  2. Do sciences definately. You will also find them interesting, challenging, and science A-levels open up sooo many more degrees than most.

    Congratulations! You  have done very well. With grades like that you will go very very far.

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