
Should I take a test now?

by Guest44865  |  earlier

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I'm two days late and my period is usually always on time. The day I was supposed to get my period I got very light spotting and then it stopped, and I didn't even feel crampy after that. I still don't.

I've been stressed out lately so maybe that's it, but all me and my boyfriend use are condoms. I know they're not perfect.

So should I test tomorrow or wait a few days?




  1. it will show now if u take a test... so i dont see any reason for you to wait... good luck

  2. Do the test, most tests are acurate from 5 days before your period is due. If your`e using contraception its unlikely that you are pregnant.

    Pregnancy tests are so cheap and easy these days save yourself the worry, nip down to the supermarket now and put yourself out of misery of worring am i ?.

  3. Its too early to get an accurate test, you should wait a week or two.

  4. you can take a test now, but if it is negative i would still do another in 3 days. If still neg, visit the doctor about your msising period

    typically-but not always- if you are pregnant you feel crampy as though you are about to have a period all the maybe it is another reason as you know you havent had any real accidents so have no true reason to consider you are pregnant. good luck i hope all goes okay for you

  5. U should Take a test

  6. do it now, put urself out of your misery.  

  7. If you are already late then you could take a test just now. I would wait until your first pee in the morning because it will give you a more accurate result. Worrying about being pregnant can cause your periods to be a bit late. The spotting could have been implantation bleeding or some woman during pregnancy spot a bit at the time their period would have been. Good Luck  

  8. If you really feel worried, I would advise to take the test ASAP (As soon as possible), because its always good to be cautious. Even if you and your boyfriend are careful, you never know what could happen..

  9. it is better to take a test thrs no harm in taking but its better than suffering afterwards

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