
Should I take another Prego Test??

by  |  earlier

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My period was suppose to come the 26th of august it is now the 28th so now its 2 days late....keep in mind that there is only 3 days left this month....i took a pregancy test on the 27th the first day i missed. Was it to soon to test and if so when should i re-test. I wanna be pregnant but i would hate to waste the money for an negative....what should i do and what type of test should i use ( brand wise)




  1. A late period could mean nothing or something. That is usually the first sign women notice. (it was for me!) Go ahead and take one, you have already missed your period so a test should be accurate.

    First Response is the best i have found and its not too expensive. Plus, they come with 2 tests in them incase you want to take another.

  2. If u are pregnant, wait bout a week and then test again and use First Reponse or EPT  i heard both of those are good. hope this helped you.

  3. most pregnancy tests say that you need to wait at least 4 days to a week before testing because the hormone that shows up in your urine has to build up before it will show up positive.

    i had a very good friend take test after test for weeks until finally she got the positive one because her hormone levels were too low.

    so you should probably wait a few more days, maybe a week and take another test to be sure. i know waiting is torture but thats what its gonna take...(oh and i wouldn't worry about the cost...they sell pregnancy tests at the everything's $1 stores, so you can find them very cheap...and they all test for the same hormone so one isnt necessarily better than another, some are just easier to take)


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