
Should I take her back as my friend?

by Guest64576  |  earlier

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I've had this "friend" for about three years now and we've been really close. We both had a lot of problems and we've always helped each other out a lot, but in late April she got this boyfriend. Naturally I was happy for her. She needed someone to be good to her and treat her right. This was pretty much her first real boyfriend. Quickly I realized however that she was changing and becoming someone that I wasn't sure that I liked. She kept pointing out how alone i want. I ignored it for a while thinking that she was just really happy. But then I got a boyfriend and she started to talk about how she had the "example" boyfriend who would buy her lots of stuff. And soon she was changing in other ways. She started to ignore us (being our group of friends). I have actually told her what she was doing and she did attempt to change and she even admitted that she was s******g up. She did work on it for about a week then she went back to old ways of ignoring and pretty much just being a ***** to everyone because she thinks that she's better. I guess my real question is is it wrong for me to disown her as a Friend after everything that she's done?




  1. i say just let her go through this fase

    let him srew her over & let her learn her lesson.

  2. she has some growing to do, that's for sure.  i think just cool it a little with her.  take some space and back off.  if your friendship unravels, so be it.  if in time she grows up a little, you will know it and you can try again.  this could take some time however. so move on and don't let her live in your mind, rent free.  she may not be worth it in the end.

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