
Should I take her to the hospital?

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Should I take her to the hospital?

My 20 month old got into the diaper bag, and got out a disinfectant spray, that I use in public washrooms. (She's toilet training).

She spilled the whole thing on the floor. I smelled her breath, and put my finger in her mouth, and couldn't smell or taste anything odd, or bitter. I would take her to the hospital, but I don't want them to pump her stomach for no reason. Do they have a way of checking if she's ingested any?

She seems fine. She's in a good mood, and she just fell asleep (it's night time).

I'm not sure if I should take her to the hospital just in case.




  1. i would. and yes they can check her to see if she ingested any.

  2. Ring poisons information and ask them. They recommend not to induce vomiting. Best chance is she may not have ingested any if you can't smell it on her mouth etc, usually you will smell it and if she ingested it she would of prob cried cause it would of burnt going down.

    Ring them, ask them what you should do, encourage lots of water drinking and keep them out of reach. Accident do happen to the best of us. And keep an eye on her, I am sure she will be fine and to me it sounds like she just got a wiff of it if anything.

    Good luck

  3. as i told (suggested ) to you before....when in doubt, check it out. precautionary measures have saved many lives....young and old.

  4. That would depend on the specific ingredients in the disinfectant, but it would be very strange if anything really worrisome were in it. If you go to the emergency department, I can almost certainly predict they'll call Poison Control (1-800-222-1222) to check the ingredients and then watch her sleep for a while. I suspect you can do that at home with a lot less fuss and bother.

    These days, "pumping the stomach" is reserved for only a very few specific toxins, and nobody's going to be excited about torturing a toddler tonight for no good reason.

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