
Should I take me 10 month old son to the doctor?

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To start off . . . my son normally poops once a day. The past couple of days he has been pooping 2-3 times a day. Its not quite diarrhea but its kinda runny. I make sure to change him right away. Every time I change him he has horrible diaper rash. His whole bottom, p***s, and testicles, are really red. When I try and wipe him, he screams and flips out. I have to just set him in the tub. When I take him out, I let him lay with his diaper off for about 10 min. to let it dry out. Last time this happened, I noticed that he has little scabs on his testicles. When I try and put diaper rash cream on him, he flips out!! He screams, jumps up and grabs onto me soo tight and criess. I dont really know what to do at this point. I have tried different brands of diaper rash cream, nothing works and he cries when I put it on him. I havnt changed anything in his diet so I dont know why his p**p is causing this. . . . .




  1. Take him in just in case. Either way, he's in pain and needs some relief. It may also be some kind of infection, so you should take him.

  2. Sad thing about this forum is that sometimes you get answers that make things worse.

    1. Call Dr. It will need a prescription ointment

    2. Stop using wipes - they are like rubbing alcohol on wounds

    3. Wipe him with a warm wash rag and or wash his bottom with a gentle sensitive mild soap (I used cephsil - at the pharmacy my the face wash) and warm water.

      Do this cleaning method every time you change him (I know time consuming but it does help tremendously)

    After you have done that apply the prescription ointment. Your baby will thank you...

  3. I would take him.  My friend's baby recently did this and she took him to the doctor and they decided he had developed a milk allergy.  They changed him to a soy formula and now he is fine.  Hopefully that is not the problem though.

  4. i would at least call the doctor because the scabs could get infected.

    i always found A&D ointment worked the best.

    also take some oatmeal and grind it up real fine and sprinkle it in the tub or sink and let him soak in it for about 15-20 min when he gets out let it air dry.

    his bum will be nice and soft and soothing for him.

    you can do this many times a day or at each diaper change until it clears up but even the one time will help a lot!

    good luck  

  5. Yes I would definitely be taking that lil' man to the doctor. Everything is normal up until the scabs. The same things happened to my son when he first started teething. Does he have any teeth coming in? That could be the cause of the diarrhea/runny bm and severe diaper rash. My son broke out the minute he had a bm. It didn't matter whether you changed him 2 mins. later or 10 mins. later, it was bad. But go to the doctor just to be sure that he doesn't have a virus or something. good luck!

  6. First, poor lil man! Stop feeding him anything but his formula and things like bananas (any baby food without a p, like peas, pears, etc). Many pediatricians will tell you there's nothing they can do for runny stools, or anything like that. If your son stops eating, pedialyte will be sufficient. If he runs a fever over 102, definitely demand to be seen. As for the rash, keep him aired out most of the time. I bought puppy training pads to put my son on when he had those bad rashes. Don't use baby wipes, you did great by putting him in the tub. You can use a blow dryer on a low cool setting to dry him without patting those sensitive areas. When you have to diaper him, use the desitin original, not creamy, and put it on thick. If the rash doesn't go away after 7 days, his pediatrician may have to prescribe a corticosteroid or something like Vusion ointment. I also used a cotton ball or swab to apply anything. I gave my son a dose of tylenol for pain before nap time so he could sleep better. The best thing right now is to let your son air out as much as possible to dry the rash. Good luck, and hopefully your lil man will get better soon!

    PS Do not use corn starch or any powder on a possible yeast rash. Yeast breed in warm, wet environments and powder will do nothing but feed them.

  7. Definitely take him to the doctor.  He may have a GI illness that needs some attention.  As for the diaper rash, he may have a yeast infection and that requires an antibiotic cream.  So definitely take him!

  8. I would take him if its hurting him that much . But keep an eye on wether  it gets worse when you put the cream on as this means he might be reacting to something in it your doctor might suggest a powder for his bottom instead of a cream.Runny poo could be a sign of teething my daughters both got runny nappies sore bums and believe it or not ear infections when getting back teeth.

  9. I would.  My husband and I took my son to the doctor with a diaper rash that was really severe like that.  She gave us a prescription for a special cream and advised us on how to make something similar ourselves when we thought the same thing was going on.  It was a bacteria causing it.  My son hasn't had one that bad in a long while, but when he has normal diaper rash I use Desitin and in the morning his butt looks a lot better.

  10. Definitely call up his doctor and tell him/her what's going on. They may want you to bring your son in or they can tell you what to do from here. Poor little guy. :(  

  11. sounds like a yeast infection.. and its getting bad because of the moisture..

    you need to take him into the drs right away..

    his urin and poo is burning his skin.

    its not your fault some babys  have sensitive systems..

  12. I would bring him in to get checked out. It may be something that needs a special cream.  

  13. Are the scabs from the daiper rash or are they from a yeast infection. ?

    If it is a yeast infection then he would need antibiotics for it.

    Otherwise if it is just diaper rash - use Zinc Oxide - you can buy it at any pharmacy. Make sure the diaper area is completely dry before applying it then put it on in a large amount.

  14. U should take him to the dr.

  15. First, try cornstarch to dry out his bum.  Works WAY better than any diaper cream, and it doesn't sting so much because it doesn't have medication in it and you don't have to rub it on, just sprinkle some on his bum.

    Second, there is no such thing as a stupid question to ask a doctor, if you are concerned, then take him to get him checked out.  

  16. Yes take him to the doctors. It could be  yeast infection that needs medication.  

  17. Everybody is saying take him in, and I agree the doctor may be able to give you some insight as to what is going on. In the meantime, till you can get an apt. Put a few inches of lukewarm water in the tub and stir in about 1/4 -1/2 cup baking soda. Then set little man in it. The baking soda usually works. Not sure why but old home remedy.

  18. You should really take him to the doctor for this.  Some diaper rashes are more than just irritation and can be caused by a fungus or even a yeast infection.  The doctor should be able to prescribe something that will help your poor little guy.  In the mean time, don't use wipes, just hose him off in the shower and let him go without a diaper as much as you can.  

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