
Should I take my 12 year old to a Tokio Hotel concert, or will it be too loud?

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My twelve year old daughter is dying off to see Tokio Hotel in concert! I will come with her to see them, but will it be too loud? Also, do they do meet and greets? She would kill to meet them!!!!




  1. You could take her, I'm going to one myself soon, but they're not really loud people. I love Bill's voice, it's so calming.

    I'd take her. Don't expect any Meet&Greets, Bill really dosen't like to risk messing up his hair.

  2. If she wants to go, let her! I went to my first Tokio Hotel concert at age 14, and it was amazing. Just make sure she doesn't have loose pockets because TH concerts tend to get crazy so her money might fall out or whatever.

    But, yes, let her go!!

  3. just take her :)

    & idk about the meet & greets, sometimes they have them & sometimes they don't.

  4. If shes into the band it will be fine ive been to a concert with my daughter and it wasnt as loud as i thought it would be.

    about meet and greets when we went they didnt have one but they werent that popular when we went now they propally do have one

  5. Just take her there. It won't be too loud. take ear plugs just in case, if you really think it's gonna be loud.

  6. I'm going to see Tokio Hotel...and I'm taking my brother, whose 10. He's been to concerts before, he never complained about loudness.

    If your really concerned with it being too loud, bring ear plugs. They just block out sound a tiny bit, yet you can still hear the band playing. Some of my friends use ear plugs because they can't stand the loudness.

    I have no clue whether they do meet and greets, sorry. But, I have been to a bunch of concerts this year, and I've met a band at every one. Just stay after the event, and wait outside their bus...and you'll probably meet them. Especially because Tokio Hotel isn't as big as the jonas brothers or hannah montana.

  7. Of course! take ear plugs just in case

  8. you should take her.

    i'm a huge fan of Tokio Hotel and it meant everything to me the first time i went to see them live. there's no doubt that it's going to be loud. thousands of screaming teenage girls. but it's worth it in my opinion.

    the band don't do meet and greets for security reasons as said in an interview. they said that their security don't allow them to meet the fans at concerts anymore cause of the large crowds and stuff.

    but if you're trying to take her to one of the North American tour dates there's a contest for a private meeting with the band and two free tickets to a concert venue of your choice.

  9. take her!! shes dying to see them!! [as am i lol =D]. if it is too loud, just take some earplugs just in case.

    idk about meet and greets..i would kill to meet them too!! =]

    hope this helps a little.

    Ich liebe Tokio Hotel =D

  10. idk, just bring her. shes almost a teenager.

  11. She's 12 so she can handle it if it's really loud.

  12. seriously ? tokio hotel is the best thing alive

    she almost a teenager, im 14 and went to my first

    concert (ALONE i might add) to see family force 5 when i was

    like 12 or 13. but i was with a gigantic group.

    yes it will be loud,

    they are as hott as the jonas brothers

    a bunch of screaming teenage girls.

    loud guitar and drums

    of course ! its a rock concert

    there not gonna be like

    "our sound is too intense so were gonna make

    sure its turned down" hahah but thats what

    makes it fun ! that you cant hear yourself when you

    yell to your friend " this is awesome" !

    and you can only read her lips like " WHAT !?"

    bring ear plugs, shes 12 she'll be able to handle it.

    dont go to the chicago show, there sold out (where im going)

    there touing this comming month.

    she'll love you if you take her.

  13. it will be too loud

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