
Should I take my bird with me?

by Guest62116  |  earlier

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The 5 of us are going on vacation to visit a relative. We've only had our Conure for 5 weeks but he's become totally used to us and is especially attached to our 16 yr old daughter. Jordan hates to be alone and thrives on our attention. I was initially planing on having my friend come over and spend some time with him once a day, but now I'm thinking about bringing him along. The only problem is that it's a 6 hr. drive. Should I bring him? My sister has no problem with it.




  1. We've taken our birds with us across country and even on weekend sailing adventures. They love the change of scenery and the adventure of going someplace new.

    Please be aware, however, that you will not be able to leave your bird unattended in the car, even with windows down. Summer heat will kill your bird, and leaving the bird unattended will surely invite bad people who will steal your bird. We always picnic with our birds. They love eating with their "flock."

    Do plan on letting your bird out of its cage once at your destination. Since birds p**p on the floor, take some newspaper or plastic sheeting to protect the floor.

  2. Sure, take the Conure with you, but take bottled water aplenty

    so you don't run out..and seed, pellets, Etc.

    Because water is different every place and because most places birds should drink only bottled water any way, with the fact many places the tap water has lead in it which can kill a bird. Also changing water can make a bird sick.

    Take a cage cover/sheet to cover the bird if gets stressed from traffic or lights if night driving, cover will make him feel secure. Also be sure and secure the cage so it can't topple over or slide off a seat.

    Take afew of his toys too.

    Be aware with the movement some times standing on one foot and eating with the other foot can be tricky, so check his food dish to ensure he is eating enough and drinking enough.

    Then talk to him often, next;Enjoy the trip and adventure!

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