
Should I take my cat to the vet?

by  |  earlier

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She was sick this morning, now she is off her food and feeling sorry for herself - sitting with her head down, very quiet, odd meows. No other symptoms. Rang a vet line , they said it could be a one off and keep an eye on her for a few hours. Should I do this or should I take her to the vet just in case? don't want to stress her more by trying to get her in the cat carrier. Thanks.




  1. She might have had an upset stomach or just be having an off day.  Keep an eye on her to see if she will eat or drink anything later on.  If she starts hiding away, stops grooming or just isn't behaving like her usual self, then you'll know that she's definitely feeling miserable.  If she's not eating by tomorrow morning give your regular vet a call to see if they think it's worth bringing her in.

    Hope she's feeling better soon.

  2. Heya yes leave her till the morning it could be a tummy bug. If she isnt any better then get her to the vets.

  3. I've had two cats, for a number of years now, and personal experience would tell me to just wait and see as the vet recommended. Both my little ones have these kind of days sometimes.  She will probably sleep it off for a few hours and be back to her normal self in no time.

    Hope she's feeling better soon, and give her a wee scratch behind the ears from me.!! :)

  4. If it was me I would leave her til later and see how she is, trust your instincts though!


  5. Personally I'd take her to the vet, just in case. If it is something minor, the vet can put your mind at ease, and if it is serious then the sooner it gets treated the better.

    Cats can be very good at hiding when they are ill. If the vet line you called didn't have your cat's medical history, then I'd definitely take her to the vet.

  6. If you live in an area where snakes are prevalent - then it could be a snakebite. Brown snakes symptoms usually consist of a drooped head, no appetite and seclusion. If she has tried to find a quiet place in your house then it could be serious. If left too long snakebite will cause paralysis so better off taking it to the vet

  7. I would keep a close eye on her for a bit and take her to the vet. Did you call a local vet who knows y our cat well or a random vet? If you are highly unsure, go to the vet. It's just as stressful for her in her current state as it would be to ride in the carrier. Keep a blanket over the carrier as you're walking with her so she won't see the movement outside.  

  8. My cat has been like this before - I usually leave it for a day (unless it's the weekend) and sometimes they'll pick up again by the morning, and if not, I take them to the vet. My cat sometimes fights, and often he's just feeling sorry for himself because he's lost a fight so he curls up in his basket and doesn't eat for a while. When it's happened to my lady cat, it's usually been because she's unwell though. Definitely take her to the vet if you don't see any improvement by the morning. Book an appointment now just in case - you can always cancel it nearer the time if she perks up.  

  9. If you have doubts, go to the vet.  The sooner the better.

    All the Best

  10. Just leave her for now she probably has a stomach bug.  If you see her eating grass it means she is trying to throw up (grass aggravates the stomach of dogs and cats so they deliberately eat it to be sick). Animals are very good at knowing what's best for them.  If she hasn't eaten anything after 2-3 days then take her to the vet.  If she is sitting quietly don't pick her up just leave her be to sleep it off.  She may like some dry biscuits and fresh water.

    Having said all that I know how much we worry about our animals so if you think she needs a check up follow your gut instinct.  It can't hurt her....just your wallet :-)  

    good luck xx

  11. If in doubt take a trip to the vet.

  12. Instead of waiting for people to answer on yahoo you should be watching the cat like the vet said or, f you're really concerned take her to the vet. Try and get her to drink some water or something too. When you're putting her in the cat carrier if you put something familiar in like a bed or a toy she will probably be calmer. Good luck.

  13. awww.......she doesn't feel well.....if she is not eating food or drinking water by the end of the day i would take her in.....a few nibbles of food would be a good sign & so would a few licks of water.....

    you can always make an appointment and cancel it if she returns to her typical eating habits & if she gets worse, then you have an appointment.....

    maybe put something in the cat carrier that she likes perhaps a blanket fresh from the dryer to snuggle up in. poor cat i hope all goes well. hope she gets better on her own too. take care.

  14. My kitten was exactly like that last week and she was fine after a few days. I did take her to the vets for her jabs and mentioned that she was ill, but they said it was ok and she's get better on her own.

    I'd give it a few days and see how it goes. If the problem persists after a few days then take her to the vets just to be sure.

    Good luck

  15. If you are in Uk, I think is just because is a cold morning. My cat doesn't feel great with the cold either='(

    Right now is next to me=)

    Listen, try to make the room a bit warmer and then put fresh wet and dry food and a fresh water. Lets see how it feels... If you see it unhappy the best is take it to the vets I'd say.

    The best of luck. I am kinda worried now, later I will send you a mail just asking if is all good.Hug.xx

    Oh! Also give it some cuddles... Might be in need of extra love too. They are very sensitive and needy more than what most people think.x

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