
Should I take my dog to the vet?

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I have an 11 year old pomeranian. Sorry if this is TMI, but this morning I noticed that the tip of his p***s was sticking out and it has been this way all day and now into the evening. I don't know how long it has been like this. I know that dog's p***s' come in and out and it is normal. But it seems like it is just staying out. Could he have some type of bladder infection? Should I make an appointment with the vet? He is fine otherwise and seems to be going to the bathroom fine.




  1. If it was my dog, I would definitely take him to the vet and have him checked out. His p***s should not stay out for that long, without going back in. It could be something minor, but just in case it's not, you don't want to take any chances. It always better to be safe than sorry! I hope he's ok!

  2. It could not hurt to take him.

  3. I think that I would just call and ask the vet.  It doesn't hurt to get some free advice.  

  4. watch your pet on what he is doing so you will jnow if you found something necessary then take him to the vet

  5. If the tip stays out too long, it can dry and lose circulation to the point that the flesh actually dies.  Check to see if there is any hair stuck there that is keeping the tip from going back in.   He could also have an infection that is causing it.  I'd call the vet & see if he needs to be seen. Good luck.


  6. Take him to the vet.  It could be nothing but it could be serious.  Always be on the safe side

  7. Yeah, take it to the vet chica!

  8. I would wait on getting him an appt.,unless you notice any other problems.Good luck!

  9. I would take it to the vet.

  10. If his p***s hasn't retracted there is a problem. Call your local vet or e-vet they will either instruct you on what to do to help him retract or they will tell you to bring him in.  

  11. get advice from a vet.

  12. Hi, if he's no problem with peeing (frequent, painful, etc.), no urethral discharge, you can foreclose the bladder infection.

    If this state persists you should go to the vet and find out what's the reason.

    There is a muscle called musculus retractor p***s, which causes "erection" and there can be a failure. That's the only thing that occured to me.

  13. There are simple steps you can do to see if your dog has a serious bladder infection. First, is there any discoloration on the bottom sides of his lower torso? If you press on the area just below him p***s is it hard or soft? Also, if you touch the tip of his p***s does the dog react in any way?

    If the area below him p***s is harder than usual and there is discoloration it means the dog either has Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency or some other form of intestinal infection/blockage to which you should bring him immediately to you vet.

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