
Should I take my driving test in my little old banger?

by Guest59034  |  earlier

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Hi everyone, I just want to share my dilemma with you and maybe get some opinions that will help me know whats best. I had about 25 hours of lessons about 9 months ago but then a friend of mine sold me her old car and I stopped having lessons and thought I would just get some road experience. After 6 months I feel relaxed in the car but it has some odd foibles....foibles that used to drive me nuts but I have kind of got used to now. One of the worst things is it judders at times but I have got used to it and it doesn't affect the control I have.

With my boyfriends encouragement I started having lessons again recently and booked a test date. I didn't like the instructor from the outset, she was forever running down her other pupils or telling me how easy she finds driving but I tried to ignore my gut feelings. Howver one day she got really shirty with me when I asked a simple question and I thought no more but with only 10 days till my test. Now my test is only a week away, I have found a new instructor who is really nice but I don't feel comfortable in her car. Its not too bad but my car is like a second skin now and hers still surprises me and I am worried I wont have time to get really familiar with as I only have 3 more lessons booked with her. Today after missing tyres to tarmac several times coming back from a lesson, something I never do in my car, I got to thinking I wish I could take it in my car.

My car has its MOT till September and is taxed but I am worried that an examiner will be put off by its occasional juddering. It usually only does it at very slow speed like turning out of a junction in first or during maneuvers but the car is still under my full control and does what I want it to do. The other 3 cars I have driven never juddered so I know its something mechanical but after 6 months I know its not something dangerous.

So should I take the test in my own juddery old banger or in the less juddery but unfamiliar instructors car. Any advice would be so welcome as I am already becoming a nervous wreck about the test.





  1. take it in the vehicle you will be driving

  2. Hi take the test in the car that you will be driving the most. The examiner is likely NOT to be your instructor & even if she is--at least you will know & trust your own car.

    The idea behind the drivers test is to not only show your knowledge of the road, the rules, and respect to other drivers, its also to show how well you know your own car.

    For instance, my steering wheel locked when I was doing a pararel park job with my dad's car & I didn't know how to unlock it--that failed me!

    I came back & did it with my own car--a junker like yours lol but hey I knew my car & I got my license.

    Instructors usually use their own car for lessons as something to do with the insurance coverage that they have.

    You don't even need to contact her when you go to take your test, just call the Reg. of Motor Vehicles for your province/state or wherever you live & find out the days that they do testing (or if you have to make an appointment) &

    go one of those days.

  3. It is a proven fact that people that take their test in the vehicle that they will be driving have less accidents then those that use another vehicle for the test.

  4. Use the instructor's car. She is fully aware that you aren't completely used to her car and will, I'm sure, make allowances for that. You might be certain that the juddering of your old car is nothing dangerous, but how do you intend to convince her of that, if it happens during the road test and it scares her? Your best bet, anyway, is to talk to her about it. You've got 3 more days, and you said she's really nice, so just be honest with her. Let her help you make the decision.

  5. Here in the USA, if your car doesn't pass inspection, the instructors won't use it.

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