
Should I take my guinea pig to the vet?

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I have 2 guinea pigs. Lately I've noticed one has been sneezing not a lot, but more than her cage partner. When I hold her she sounds like she has a cold, when she breathes, but then the next time I hold her later that day she won't sound like that and sounds fine. I know those are the symptoms of an upper respiritory infection, but I just wanted your opinion of whether or not I should schedual her a vet appointment this morning. And also, if it is an upper resperitory infection, is in contagious to her cage partner.. Thanks in advance!!




  1. Yes hun. I advise taking them to the vet. They can pass this very easily if they share a cage....and it looks like they do. The sooner you can get them in the better off they will be. If you vet hears that she has a cage-mate then he/she will most likely want to examine both as a precaution. Just something you may expect to hear from the vet is all. Sounds like you are doing wonderfully with your guina pigs.....Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

  2. Seperate the two even though it doesnt sound like something contagious. Bring her to the vet. If it is resperitory infection it is very painful and better treated early. Also, the vet can perscribe medicine that could help the cold.

  3. you should probably take her to the vet, when I had a guinea pig, he had a skin condition, but we didn't think anything of it and when we did finally take him to the vet it was almost too late. Some people don't really think about taking small animals to the vet, but it's really important. Better safe than sorry. If it is an upper respiratory infection, it probably is contagious, and I wouldn't risk it.

  4. You should probably take her to the vet to see if it's a cold or breathing problems. Think about how long this was going on.

    For More Help log on to: http://www.guinealynx.infor/

  5. YES! Mt guinea pig, Flurrie, has breathing heavily, sneezing, and always stayed in his igloo. We took him to the vet, the vet checked him out and had a respitory infection. He got medicine and he is doing great. If you don't go soon enough it could end in a sad result.

    I hope your guinea pigs get better!!!

  6. Your guinea pig may have allergies. Either way, if you're really concerned, take him [or her] to the vet and get it checked out. good luck!

  7. i actually highly doubt something like that is contagious, but you should still take him to the vet.  he should be checked, and at the same time, i think the other guinea pig should be checked also.  just in case. that way you probably won't have to worry about taking them to the vet for a while. ;-)  i hope they are both fine.

    p.s.  don't stress about it!  and if he starts to hick up, don't freak.  that is COMPLETELY normal.  lol.  (it scared me at first though)

  8. Take her to the vet.

  9. well i think you should probably take it to the vet just to feel safe. That way you have a lesser chance of the guinea pig getting worse. I don't know if it is contagious but you can ask your vet about it.

  10. .... Guinea Pigs are animals too! They deserve to go to the doctor. Of course the doctor will charge you more than the guinea pigs are worth, but you have to cure it before it dies

  11. yes i think you should just to see if it's okay

  12. Any time an animal is experiencing upper respiratory issues it is possible that this could be contagious.  However, if it is contagious the cage partner will most likely already have been exposed to the pathogen.  Keep an eye on your guinea pig and make sure it is eating or drinking.  A good sign of infection is a spike in temperature.  you can use a small thermometer to take its temperature rectally.  Normal is 101.5 degrees F.  if it is higher than 102.5 F it is advisable to see a veterinarian.  If there is no temperature and the coughing does not cease consult a veterinarian as well.

  13. that would be a good idea

  14. Take her to the vet. It is most likely early stages of a URI. Guineas are very good at hiding illnesses (natural instinct) so if you notice even the smallest abnormality, see a vet.

    An EXOTICS vet who has experience with guinea pigs.

    Catch any illnesses early, and prevent any infections from spreading.

  15. You CAN take her to the vet, but there isn't much they can do for small animals like that. is there chemicals in the bedding?

  16. It's probably best to, as it may also be an allergy and you may need to change her bedding. If it is an infection, it will get steadily worse and some, but not all, are contagious- it depends, really.

    But I would advise the vet or it's going to go past the point where a vet can help and straight to going to sleep.

  17. i've had a lot of pets like hamsters rats and guinea pigs and most of mine sneezed alot. Usually they just had a cold but if it goes on than more then a month take it to the vet he might have an infection usually there just give him some nose spray.

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