
Should I take my headshot with my glasses on??

by  |  earlier

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Im going to send my headshot and resume to agents but i dont know if i should take it with my glasses on or off..Please help!

Also on my resume under special skills i put dance then in parenthesis hip-hop and freestyle because that's what im good at but ive also take modern and jazz dance classes but im not as good at moder and jazz as i am with freestyle and hip-hop so should i put jazz and modern oh there to?




  1. Glasses off....makes casting easier.

  2. Take the glasses off so agents and casting directors can see your eyes.  The glasses could cause glare.  Only put things on your resume that your fluent at.  Therefore if you are not good at something don't put it on your resume.  If your good and modern and jazz go ahead and put it on their.  But if your not or just don't feel confident about your skills don't list them.  like one of my teachers said.  "If you put skateboarding on your resume, you better be able to skateboard very well."  Good luck!

  3. I always take mine off, and when i go to auditions i wear contacts...

  4. contact lenses..

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