
Should I take my kids on vacation?

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I am a fulltime college student and single mother of 3. I only work part time and watch my money really closely. Since I started school a little over 2 years ago, I have not been able to take my kids to do very much fun stuff because of a shortage of cash. I get grants and I use them sparingly through out the semester to supplement part time work. Well this semester I will have almost 2,000.00 left of my grants after classes and books are paid for. Should I use a chunk of that money to take my kids to Knotts Berry Farm since they have been so patient with the shortage of money? or should I catch up on bills and maybe just take them to one of the places here that they have already been to? It will save us money to stay here but I really want to show them a good time because they are great kids. They are 9, 7 and 5. What would you do?

Any suggestions appreciated!! Thanks




  1. I admire you for being a student and a single mother. I am married myself with one and I feel overwhelmed holding down a full time job, housework and my 1 1/2 year old daughter, who is really pretty well behaved. :) Seriously though--if there were more women like you in the world, imagine  how different things could be.

    Anyways, I say s***w it, go for the vacation. I get more pleasure out of my child's pleasure than anything I could ever buy for myself, and I'm sure you are the same way. Life is too short!! Enjoy it, and your kids, while they are young.. 9, 7 and 5, I can't even imagine mine being that big but just thinking about it makes me tear up (cheesy I know). You deserve it!!!! And your kids do too. Have a great time and just pay a reasonable amount towards whatever you need to take care of.

    Every time we get a chunk of change, we put money towards bills and whatnot but I always make sure we have at least a little to do something enjoyable. You can't put a price on quality family time, seriously, as dumb as that sounds.  

  2. Take them on vacation. I once heard someone on Oprah say that spending money on ONLY the things you need will cause you to be very stressed out. It sounds like you all deserve a break. I say you take them.

  3. a change in pace might be nice for all of you. and im sure the kids would love it!!

  4. I would pay the bills and use whatever is left to do something with the children. Its very easy to be tempted to want to get away and spend the money on a vacation, etc... but you will sleep better knowing the bills are paid for!

  5. The most important thing is to send quality time with them and enjoy all together,make the most of what ye have,and who is that idiot butt hair,tell him get a life,the tw..t.

  6. Depends.. Do u have to travel far to take them there? or is it pretty close by? If it is close by, i would take them... Kids grow up so fast.

  7. well if your really behind on bills i would pay the bills and then see how much money you have left over and then see what you can work with

  8. I'd take them to Knotts Berry Farm and for PRECISELY the reason you gave. . .THEY'RE GOOD KIDS AND HAVE BEEN PATIENT!  

    Childhood goes by so-o-o-o-o quickly and you'll long for THOSE KINDS OF MEMORIES.  Don't waste the opportunity.

    GO. . . . . . AND HAVE FUN!!!!!!!

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