
Should I take my laptop to Guatemala?

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I am going to Guatemala for two weeks and I dont know if I will be able to access the internet with my wireless card. Im not sure how all that works. I am going to be spending most of my time in a place called Ipala, Chiquimula, Do you think its worth it to take it so I could keep in contact with everyone or just use the cellphone i bought there last year?




  1. Take your laptop if you want to.  The providers and systems all over Central America are just like those in the U.S.  In fact many are the same ones.  You shouldn't have a bit of trouble with your card.  As far as thievery, it is no different than anywhere else.  If you use a bit of common sense and caution you'll be fine.

  2. If u want, but u should be able to enjoy urself without any personal devices, its just u and Guatemala. :] so u need to NOT bring ur technology BFFs, and u need to start enjoing urself the good old fashioned way :] just keeping it real. Xo gumz... bubble gumz.. :]

  3. If you're going to Guatemala, enjoy your time there, and wait till youre home to use your laptop. Besides, there are internet cafes all over in other countries

  4. Do not take the lap top.  They are great targets for thieves and muggers.  You can find cheap access to the Internet all over the place so staying in touch will be no problem.

  5. A place named Ipala? woow, I used to have family there, I think that you cannot acces the internet wireless in that town, but there are a lot of fast food restaurants that offers wireless service but only in guatemala city.

  6. take a thumb drive and use internet cafes.  Only take your laptop to Guatemala if you don't want it any more.  It will get stolen before you get out of the airport.  I know this for a fact!

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