
Should I take my promotion and move from a pizza delivery man to a pizza maker or should I get a different job

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Should I take my promotion and move from a pizza delivery man to a pizza maker or should I get a different job




  1. Do you want to stay in the pizza business?  If yes, take the promotion.  If not, find a job in a career that interests you--even if it is an entry level position.

    Good Luck

  2. Promotion for me because I wanna get the money for my everyday needings.....Money isn't everything but you need money too because without money you can't buy your everyday needings...Like food or shoes,socks,etc.

  3. It is probably safer to make the pizzas than deliver and gas is so expensive.

  4. I would look for a different job.

  5. take your tips figere your adverge a night add your hourly pay then duducte your gas then devide that by the number of hours worked that is your real pay if its less then what the makers get transfer there so you have a job but try to find a way up the ladder

  6. Unless you're 16 years old, get a different job.

  7. At all of the pizza places I've worked at the drivers made alot more than the pizza makers. I would keep being a driver. Its nice to be able to leave the restaurant every now and then.

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