
Should I take my son to the doctor?

by  |  earlier

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My son has had a cold for about 2 weeks and it's in his chest and a bad cough. He doesn't have a fever and isn't coughing all the time. I worry he could get an infection, pneumonia, or ear infection. Should I take him to the doctor or am I worrying too much?




  1. If in doubt check it out!

    He may need a wee course of antibiotics to clear his cough up!

    Its his health and I would not risk it.

    Hope he gets better soon :)

  2. could lead to a chest infection, which if left untreated, can make him very unhappy and possibly make him get yes take him to doctor as soon as. should get antibiotics and have it all cleared up in a few days.

  3. Call the doctor's office and tell him his symptoms, the docter might want to hear his cough over the phone, and your doctor will tell you if a visit is needed. My little brother had a bad cough, and the doctor gave us this machine thing where we put this think over his mouth and there would be medication to soothe his throat. We did it about twice a day -five minutes long. It seemed scary for him (and the rest of our family) at first, but soon he was off the machine in two weeks.

  4. I would probably take him in. I tend to take my son in too late every time he is sick. Especially with coughs. I keep thinking he will be okay he doesn't have a fever and the truth is he probably will be okay. But every time I take him in the doctor tells me he has a very bad respiratory infection. He ended up having to get a breathing machine because he gets these bad coughs so often.

    Last time my son got sick he ended up having to spend a couple nights in the hospital because he was so dehydrated and had such a raw throat. That was a different kind of sickness, but every  since then I take my son in much earlier when he is sick the copay is worth not having to watch him get an IV and stay in the hospital bed for 2 days straight. Not easy with a two year old. Not to mention the 2000 dollar bill afterward.

  5. Take him to the doctor. Everytime my son gets sick. He gets pneumonia, then the doctor wants to put him the hospital.  

  6. I would try calling the dr. office, it sounds to me like it could be allergies. And if he was older I would say just try something over the counter but with him only being 3 you should at least call and speck to the nurse.

  7. Please take your child to the doctor. He really should not have something in his chest for that long. Like you said, don't let it develop iinto an infection which can be quite easy to have happen. That's a long time to have a cough as well. To ease the symptoms a bit till u get to the doctor, but a bag of dried oregano by his head when he sleeps in the night. It clears up the respiratory tract.

  8. I would call them.  I always wait 2 weeks for something to clear if its managable.  Viruses take that long to run their course.  Antibiotics should only be used when necessary and I find that many peds docs do overprescribe them when they aren't needed and this causes all kinds of autoimmune problems, and resistant strains so it is very important to not use them if they aren't needed.

  9. See doctor NOW.

  10. I would have probably already taken my son.  Better safe than sorry.

  11. Take him in. It could be walking pnuemonia, it could be just a cold but its better to be cautious when you have something thats moved into your chest. At least call and see if the doctor would like to see him. If its something serious and left untreated it could land him in the hosptial.  

  12. how old is he?  I would at least call the doctors office and tell them the symptoms.  They may want you to bring him in.  

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