
Should I take off my Cast???

by  |  earlier

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Alright Guys,I need your help.

Should I take off my cast or wait 2 weeks but my leg

is healed anyway and it sucks because i cant do c**p.




  1. No, do not do that.  You leg needs the time to mend inside.  It may feel weak when you do get the cast off.

    You would not want to injure it again, then you would have to have another cast on it again.

  2. When I had a cast on my arm I had to wait a week after it felt like I didn't need it anymore to take it off.

  3. You prob already know what most of us will say... which is no, you definitely should NOT take off your cast by yourself, against medical advice.  It doesn't sound like a good idea and also, what if you do this, go against medical advice and your health insurance (if your not paying cash, that is...) decides not to cover you. AND how do you know your leg is healed?  

    I know that it is a pain in the $ss, but jeez, can't you just deal with it a little longer... call your doctor and see if he'll even re-examine you say, one week early or something.  I am sorry for your pain, though.

  4. Want to be crippled for life, then go ahead. Those Doctors didn't get that degree for nothing.

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