
Should I take the reserve deal?

by  |  earlier

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granted, i've played better than i did at tryouts.

coach said i had good serves and a lot of power in front court, but since my setting and passing were not-so-good, I'm borderline, number 13, really close to number 12 (she's committed to having only 12 spots on varsity), and she would have taken me on the roster if there had been one fewer person. She offered to take me as reserve/ manager and said I could step in in case someone gets injured (which happens a lot on varsity), and I can come to practices and have to go to games and stuff, so I think I'll do it.

but what annoys me

was that i was beaten out by a bunch of really good sophomores.

and technically two freshmen, who are setters, which really wouldn't affect me as a hitter. but we're short on setters, so they had to get on.

but normally my setting's decent. passing i always need a little help with




  1. Well, coaches can be honest or they could lie off their butts.  Either way, they can sound genuine.  

    Don't forget, there's only 6 on the floor.  So, if you're number 13 on the list and someone gets hurt, there's 6 other players that are already on the squad that are going to get put in before you.  

    I'm not trying to burst your bubble.  It just sounds fishy.  Plus, if someone gets hurt, and you enter the squad, who's going to be her manager?  Yep, no one.  Therefore, the coach doesn't want to lose you as a manager.

    It doesn't sound too promising for you.  I'd cut my losses and try again next year.

  2. Take the deal.  You never know what can happen.  I was back up goalie for my junior year in college.  I saw no action.  My senior year was the same way early.  Until he got hurt.  And they scored 3 times on him in 15 minutes.  I came in and we shut them out for 75 minutes.  The next game, they scored 3 times on him early.  I came in and we shut them out.  I did not ever get any time off for the rest of the season except when we were up 6-0 in one game.  If I had given up or quit trying hard, I would have played 30 minutes in 1 game and that would have been my entire college career.  I played 7 complete games and 3 nearly complete games and we were 8-2.  

    If you do not take the deal, you will be upset when someone does get hurt and you are at home.  Wishing you had done the deal.  You have no down sides on this deal.

  3. DUH!!! you should DEFINITELY take the deal! you might end up getting better and taking some other girls position! you are just cutting yourself if you don't even try and besides just practing with them will make you better and if you work just that much harder i believe that someone can do whatever they want

  4. Well i am in a team to,so i love volleyball,and i would say that you take it,because even if that anoys you your still part of the team.And plus you get to play if someone gets hurt.So i would say that you take the reserve deal.BYE!!!

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