
Should I take this job? (my first job)?

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I've just turned 16 and today went for an interview for a supermarket. I agreed to work on saturday/sunday mornings but looking back I don't really want to. It means that I'll have NO social life and I'll have to be up early everyday cos I'm starting sixth form. I'll also be busy with sixth form but I really need the money.....

Any ideas on what to do?




  1. There's no right or wrong answer, but I do have some thoughts. Are there any other job opportunities available? When you're going after a job, especially for the first time, you can get excited about the opportunity until you realize what you might have to sacrifice.

    If I were you (and I'm not), I'd think about what I really do and don't want in a job and then look for one that meets those criteria pretty closely.

    Of course, there's always some trade off when you get a job. But you might very well be able to find one that is a better choice for you. Some people don't mind getting up early every day and some people do.

    So don't be afraid to hold out for something a little better.

    I hope this is helpful.

  2. I say take the job, you will have a social life trust me, and when you have extra money, that social life will be a lot better, and your only working mornings, you have the most of the day and all of the night to do what you want. Thats not bad, take it. In most jobs you will have to sacrifice something. It will be better than you think.  

  3. Well, just because you volunteer for certain days initially won't mean that you WILL work those days when you're hired. You want to make yourself available to them, and chances are you will work SOME saturdays and sundays, but I doubt you'll work all of them. And if they do, make an excuse for a permanent day off. Like "I have soccer practice every saturday morning" or "I volunteer at the hospital every sunday". My BF did that (I forget the excuse he used) and now he has every friday night off!! :D

  4. Don't take the job if you don't want to.  Look at other means to support yourself.  When I was in high school, I had a good job after school at an engineering firm and most of my friends had jobs during the week as well like waitressing.  I preferred my job.  Check out classified ads in your area and maybe ask an employment office in your area about it.  

  5. Once you have agreed to take the job you are morally obliged to take it. Plus if you go back on your word, the word will get around that you are an unreliable employee and you will have a harder time getting other jobs. Give this job a chance, it might not be so bad.

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