
Should I take up GIS minor?

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I am in a dilemma now. I am a geography major and I have decided that I want to be equipped with GIS skills when I graduate. I know GIS will be very useful in some fields.

However, due to some poor planning, I have used up my module quota to minor in anything. If I were to persist pursuing a GIS minor, I will have to do 3 more modules than my fellow peers to fulfill the GIS minor criteria. My school allows 'over-loading' of modules, depending on the availability of space. The workload will be quite heavy for me, considering I am doing part time jobs too.

My question is: Does it really matter to have a 'GIS minor' title in my certificate to be so called 'proficient' in using GIS in the eyes of my employer? I know it looks nicer on my qualification papers but is that really important?

Because I am taking all the essential GIS modules and the other 3 modules are just supplementary ones, but to get the minor, those 3 are required.

Advice please. Thanks.




  1. GIS is a skill profession.  That being so, if you have the skills to do the job, that's all you need.  The piece of paper doesn't mean too much.  Most Geography degrees now a days require at least some GIS courses. So the Geography major plus the know how should be enough to land you a job in the real world.

  2. Hello - I am a GIS/application development professional who graduated 5 years ago from a University with a Geography degree (with emphasis in GIS).

    I'm not sure what society you're talking about, but where I live and work (Seattle, Washington, United States), a candidate's paper qualifications are rarely more important than their actual skills and personality.  I regularly review resumes, conduct phone interviews, and participate in individual and group interviews of potential GIS/GIS application development hires, and that is definitely the case at my company.

    So - I would say it is more important that you can demonstrate your GIS skills.  If this means you need to take a few more courses, then take that route.  However, taking a few extra GIS classes won't necessarily mean that you are a qualified job candidate.

    If you don't take the courses, but feel comfortable with your GIS skillset, I'd reccommend assembling a portfolio of your work to bring to any potential employer.

    Hope that helps!

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