
Should I take up skiing or snowboarding?

by Guest56687  |  earlier

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I'm not super athletic, and I have had problems with my knees since I was a teenager (genetic).




  1. Skiing is a lot easier on your body than snowboarding. I've done both, and you beat the heck out of your body learning to snowboard.

    Both are fun, but I would recommend skiing.

  2. Well, I snowboard, and I love it. I'm 27 btw, so you can snowboard even if you're over 14 like that other person said. However, I've heard that skiing is easier to learn at the start anyway, and since you tend to fall a lot when learning to snowboard (often on your knees), maybe skiing would be a better idea for you. Though, you know what your knees can and cannot handle. Plus, I've never skied so I'm not sure what risks are involved (besides falling).

  3. Ski vs snowboard is kind of a religious issue! But aside from that they both are kind of tought on knees. Try cross country skiing (the classic style, not the skate style). It is quite gentle on knees (provided you don't do killer fast not so bright stuff!)


  4. you can try skiing in little hills. Because if you snowboard it's not fun at all if u do it on a little hill. Snowboarding is meant to be done at high heights. Skiing is easier. You just turn left to write and there are no sudden stops. For snowboarding if you have to stop, there is a lot of pressure on your knees. So snowboarding wouldn't be the best option for you. I would recommend skiing.

  5. No, too dangerous

    You might find knitting /needlework more safe and fun

  6. Either of these will be torture on knees, but of the two, skiing is something that will last a lifetime (adults ski)....snowboarding is something for kids and the type of people you'll be on the mountain with will all be about 14 and under.

  7. since you have problems with your knees, both activities might be a bad idea. With skiing it would be easy to twist up your legs. With snowboarding, it's hard to move around on it (other than down a slope) without having your legs at a strange angle or getting off and walking. As far as the super athletic part goes, don't let that get you down! I love to snowboard even though I'm no good at it, don't play any sports, don't work out and I'm about 100lbs overweight! I still go, I just don't go down the hill a lot of times because I get tired.

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