
Should I take up the sport of golf?

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My friend asked me yesterday to take up golf with her. Is it a hard game to play and how fit do you have to be? Should I take lessons to learn to play properly?




  1. just to share with you, it took me almost 4 years to master my 5 iron and 7 is a lifelong learning experience

  2. Golf is a very fun game I am 19 and played most of my life. But it is not easy at all. I shoot mid/low 70's and I worked really really hard to get to that point.

  3. Golf is not a sport... It is a hobby, and yes you should, if you have time to waste.

  4. golf is relaxing but at the same time flustrating. i would advise taking a few lessons so you can get the idea of it. you don't have to be fit really just have to get everything aligned.(swing, downswing,putting, etc.) but i would advise to start trying it!

    Much Luck,


  5. Golf is both a rewarding and disappointing game. If your freind is going to start it doesn't mean that you have to.  Plus if your really just going to play and you really dont want to. You aren't going to enjoy it as much if YOU wanted  to play the game.  I personally think it is a great sport once you learn the game.  You should definitely start out with some lessons.  Then have that pro set you up with some golf clubs.

  6. Yes, take up golf.  Lessons are a good idea.  But, prepare yourself for a lifetime of misery and obsession, with only a few brief moments of total exhilaration.

  7. Lessons are good, but be prepared to take a long time to get good at it. Golf is one of those things that you can be great at it one day and do horribly the next.




  9. its all depend on you and how you feel about your athletic ability to play golf.  Golf may see hard at first, like many would think, what is so hard hitting a little ball laying on the ground. yeah,  In the begin you will feel there is a lot to know to hit a ball that lay on the ground in front of you. .  I would suggest that you take a lesson or two first before you jump into it. I don't want to see you get frustrated and not having any fun, after you have spend so much money on golf items.

    good luck..and have fun

  10. I took up the game this past summer and I am 58, 57 at the time. I get moderate exercise and I am fairly strong for a woman of my age. If you plan to walk the course, I would suggest getting in a little better shape than if you are going to use a cart as I do.

    Yes, you should take lessons first.  Instructors will provide clubs for the lessons. If you learn the proper technique of hitting the ball and following through it will be easier. But, no matter how good you are it can be frustrating, but also a lot of fun.

    Also almost everyone says this is a frustrating game. When we play we look for the 'come back' shot. That is the one good drive or putt that makes you want to come back and play again. Sometimes, there might be more than one come back in a game.

  11. Golf is quite a fun sport once you learn the basics of the game.  It is difficult to learn at first.  If you are not a learner by trial and error, I would take lessons.  I say that because, I have never taken a lesson and I've been playing for about 8 years.  I've taught myself for the most part.  I have picked up a couple of tips from teachers.  They don't know this though.  I've been at the range when they've held their lessons and just applied what I overheard from them.  I've also got a subscription to Golf Magazine and that has helped a great deal.  Eventually I may take a lesson if I don't continue to see some improvement in my game.  I urge anyone to take up the game.  You'll enjoy it.

  12. You should definately take up the sport golf.

    it was known as the gentleman's sports.

    meaning that it was only for the people that was wealthy and loyal.

    I'd do it

  13. Sure, you can take it. How fit you are isn't a problem, but how much dedicated you are.

  14. Be prepared to spend a lot of money if you want to play golf. Equipment, lessons, green fees. All of that can cost big money.

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