
Should I teach myself keyboards or bass?

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Been playing guitar 10 years and can read music, although not well. I think keyboards would be valuable but bass would be maybe a little more fun, probably easier to get good at too since the notes are the same as guitar only diff technique. Your opinion is highly valued. Thanks




  1. the bass most diffently since you alread been playing the guitar for 10 years.  

  2. Good keyboard players are hard to find. Actually, ANY keyboard players are hard to find. If you play keys, you should have an easier time finding a gig. Playing bass is harder than it looks... you really need big ears to lock  in with the drummer. Plus, it's mostly a support role, so it's not great if you crave constant attention.

  3. bass hello.....girls like guitar player better then piano players

  4. Keyboard.

    Instead of only strings try something different :)

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