
Should I tell again?

by Guest56340  |  earlier

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I cheated on my husband a couple of years ago. I felt really bad so I told him. We worked it out and everything was ok until recently........ I cheated again. I know I am horrible. Should I tell him about this one?




  1. Wow, you really are a tramp! Do your hubby a favor and go away. Get your hole disinfected also, I can smell ya from here.

  2. He will never get over another one. CLearly this won't be the last one, either. If it is he will never fully trust you and respect you again, anyway.

    There is no good reason to cheat. Let the guy have a divorce. I'm sure he did not marry you so you could still date other guys.

    Your marriage is over. Face it. Let the guy go.  

  3. if it was a "fling" then no

    but if you have feelings about this other guy -yes

  4. tell on your self ....never!

  5. That is your decision only. but if i was u and i really loved my husband and i wanted to make our marriage worked then yes i would have to tell him there must be something going on in your marriage for u to cheat again, it could be a number of things so if u tell him and he loves u then he may forgive u again and y'all could work out whatever problems y'all have. think about what he would do if he found out from someone else. good luck

  6. is the reason you cheated on this list?

    I think you need to find out why you are cheating and breaking a vow.  You are sinking in shame and guilt.   Cant get much lower than a lieing adultress.

    Get a counselor that is a psychologist or higher and find out what is making you able to lie and hurt people you love.  

    He is probably going to leave you this time....but you have to tell him.  

  7. You'll probably be better off single maybe being married isn't for you it's not for everyone,and I don't think he would be understanding the 2nd time.

  8. Depends on wether you think he will forgive you again.

    It's a big ask....

  9. Well truly only you can answer this.  You need to get help as a couple so you can stop this cycle.  

  10. Just give him a divorce so he can go find a decent woman
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