
Should I tell her not to?

by  |  earlier

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I took my boyfriends daughter with me to get my toes, and nails done, and she asked me if she could get hers done too so I said ok. We then went shopping for a bit, and when we got back to my place she gave me a hug, and said "Thanks mommy for the best day ever!" I started to cry because she called me mommy, but do you think it was appropriate for her to call me that? I've been with her dad for two years, and she hardly knows her mom. She's asleep now, but should I say it was wrong when she wakes up?




  1. I dont think so if she thinks you are like a mother figure to you nd the dad does not care why not

  2. If you're not uncomfortable with it, go with the flow....she may just be needing a little reassurance at the moment.

  3. How sad... it sounds like she is really wanting a Mom, and she really loves you. I wouldn't say anything just yet. It would really hurt her feelings. Maybe you need to talk to your boyfriend about this one.  

  4. no just talk to her father first and if he has a problem tell her but dont be harsh because then she will be very insecure...hope this helps

  5. omg dont tell her it was wrong :( im only 14 but still . i think it was really special that she called you that, and who knows maybe you'll end up marrying this guy. shes never had a mom and you're probably the closest thing shes had to it. just dont say anything yet :) but let ur boyfriend know for sure.

  6. i think you should talk to your boyfriend first definitely. but don't crush it. when my mom married my dad ( he was my step dad but he adopted me so now he is my dad) it took me four years to accept it but now i love him to death and can hardly remember what it was like without him. i think you should let her express how she feels about you because it is a good thing that she can decide that kind of thing about you so quickly!

    good luck and congratulations!

  7. No! that would make her feel uncomfortable like you don't accept her.  If she wants to call you that, let her.  Give her the comfort that someone cares about her.  It's not like it's a naughty name!  Be honored that she loves you like that.

  8. no. its sweet. it means she really loves you and feels close to you. i think it would break her little heart, and make her feel like she did something wrong if you tell her that. 2 years is long enough for her to be calling you mom, especially if she's under like 13 or so. awwww, dont break her little heart.

  9. This is a tough one, I don't think it was her fault for wanting to call someone a mother, if it is as you said "she hardly knows her mom" then.. I think it is okay BUT-

    you must make sure she knows that you are not her biological mum.. her real mom - you love her like a real mommy but you're not her "blood mommy"- that sounds creepy but it's true.

    (If you are sure you are going to stay with your boyfriend then I think it's okay), under the circumstance that she knows you're not her - sorry to be blunt - "real" mom.

    - I would also suggest disgussing this with your boyfriend.. and maybe you could talk about it together with her.

    Good luck :)

  10. i think it just shows that shes comfortable with you, and that your someone she can trust.

  11. Let her call you mommy if you and your boyfriend are both comfortable with it. If you try and tell her not to call you mommy, you risk hurting her feelings.  

  12. NO let it slide. She needs a Mom figure. Look at it as she approves of you and wants you and her Dad to marry. I hope for her sake you two are solid and do-otherwise she will be heartbroken.

    If it happens again and you are uncomfortable with it. I think her father needs to address this not you.

  13. NO..................

  14. Yes. You need to explain to her that you are not her mommy, but that you love her anyway. Give her a nickname to call you, or just tell her to call you by your name. Good luck!

  15. In my opinion.. I would just let it be what it was... she had an AWESOME DAY with you!!!  She felt very close and connected to you...  she may not call you that again... or it may be what she calls you from now on... You are in her life...  you love her...  it sounds like she loves you too...

    How about ... when she wakes up... you give her a big ole hug and tell her you love her... ??


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