
Should I tell him.... Does he feel the same way...?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so there's this guy on my big bro's baseball team (a year and a half older than me) and I have a HUGE crush on him!! We text and IM all the time. We recently had to go on a roadtrip together (with our families) for certain reasons (long story) and we texted the whole way there. He kept asking me stuff like, if I was dating anyone, who I liked, who I had dated before, etc. I told him I like this one guy (which I really didn't anymore, because we hadn't seen or talked to eachother the whole summer) just because he seemed to be coming on a little strong. Well, I got to know him better at the hotel, and now I'm gaga over him, but he had backed down. I asked him who he liked, and he told me, and so I looked her up in the year book, but I could never see them together, and he even told me that she already has a bf. So the other day I told him I didn't like the one guy anymore, and now he's been talking to me a lot more. (let me finish in the additional details)




  1. Tell him.  Boys are very confusing, but it sounds like he likes you.

    And if he doesn't like you, then forget about him and find someone else!

    Good luck! :]

  2. seems like he likes you so just tell him

  3. go for it girl, that's the way things work out. just say you like him. how will you know otherwise?

  4. i think he likes u

    but i would ask him

    who he likes

    and then tell him that u like



    What are you waiting for?

    He totally likes you! He even hinted it! Haven't you seen the signs? WAKE UP AND SMELL THE LOVE!! He likes you.

    Next time he asks you, make the scenario sort of go like this:

    Him:" Who do you like? tell me!!"

    You: " Take a wild guess."

    He guesses someone besides him, and just keep saying No, until he guesses himself you just nod. And bite your lip as in your nervous, and he won't laugh or anything if you act innocent...let it lead you from there...

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