
Should I tell him off or quit??

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I have worked for a small company for about 7 months now and my boss is super nosy and annoying. After about 3 months of working for this company I got a DUI and my boss was questioning me everyday about why I have to go to court and why I can't drive. It is none of his business but he tricked me into telling him saying that he could help. He never helped he just wanted to know. That made me so mad. Now that I am on probation and have meetings and such he always wants to know who, what, when, where, why, and how everyday!! It drives me crazy! Today, he said he was going to call my probation officer and tell her that I can't meet with her she needs to change her availability hours . . . ok? He is extremely nosy and he makes it all a big joke which is so rude because it is all very serious to me and he makes me feel like c**p. I should not have to constantly defend myself. It is my personal life!! What should I do?




  1. It depends on how much you need the job. If you find somewhere else you'd rather work, then quit! But don't quit out of anger- don't give your boss the satisfaction of driving you out!

    Next time he talks to you, pretend to be super busy or have something on your mind. Give him one-word answers, and sound like you are preoccupied. He will get the hint that he's being annoying (hopefully) and that he won't get any information out of you so maybe he will leave you alone.

    A lot of people being nosy just like to be the center of attention and they do not always stop and think, "Oh, I'm being obnoxious!" So by non-chalently making it clear that his endless questions are a pain, he may stop and think about how his behavior makes you feel.

    Another thing, if it gets out of hand, you could just say "I don't want to discuss my personal life in the office, it distracts me from work"... bosses like employees that are focused on the job!

  2. Go out in a blaze of glory.  Make a big scene so everyone in your office laughs and you will be the talk of the town for a few weeks!  Nothing is better than when someone sticks it to the boss, you will be a legend and a hero!  I never got to do it but, always wanted to. Oh and remember you can't do it if you need the reference and I don't know if a DUI makes it harder to find a job but if it does maybe you just have to deal with it.

  3. Tell him its none of his business. you do not have to tell your boss any thing of your personal life.

  4. working life is seperate from personal life all that matters is that you can still do youre job competantly and well.

  5. Maybe you should stop being so open to others about your personal life.  Had you not been, it would not be that difficult to tell the boss what he cannot hear. In consideration of his rudeness, do you have an Human Resources department? What about his boss? If he owns the company, id quit like you said you should. Other than that, try to go the responsible route and letting his boss know he is being nosy and unprofessional. And never tell anyone at your job anything you dont want your boss to hear. You just cant trust anyone these days.

  6. You do NOT have the right to tell him off.  As your boss, he has the right to know when you won't be at work, but you don't have to give a reason beyong "It's personal and I don't wish to discuss it."  As your employer, he does have a right to know any convictions you may have.

    He does NOT have the right to call your probation officer without your consent.  

    Calmly and politely tell him that this is a personal matter and you do not wish him to be involved.  Telling him off is unprofessional - it may not only cost you this job, but other jobs in the future as well, and it won't help your probation, either.

    Practice a little self-control.

  7. There's a third choice in addition to telling him off or quitting, and that is to keep venting to friends and Yahoo.  You have good reason to be annoyed and venting helps too.  Even if you simply tell him you don't want to talk about it, he may talk about the fact that you don't want to talk about it.  Just keep being polite until you find a better job.

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