
Should I tell him or what?

by Guest56910  |  earlier

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I have a guy friend that ive been friends with 4 a while now. lets call him c. and i like c. ive liked him 4 months now and i havent told him anything. we just graduated from a skool and we're both goin 2 the same skool. we dont hav any of the same classes but only the same lunch period. i kno i like him but im afraid 2 tell him that i like him. should i tell him that i like him or shud i keep it 2 myself? i havent even told anyone about this crush except one person. shud i tell him or wat??? plz help. im in COMPLETE need.




  1. Tell Him.  what do you have to loose?  On second thought, don't answer that...

  2. you should tell him. i mean i know it might be had to break the ice especially because you havent made a move, but go ahead, try it.

  3. Just flirt with him... that way he will know that you like him and he will ask you out. and if that doesnt work then just tell him you like him

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