
Should I tell his wife that her husband is having an affair with a woman at my workplace?

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Hello to all,

At my wokplace, there is a driver named Gino Derougeur who is having an affair with a leisure officer named Soni Ramlall. I am writing their true names hoping that his wife or any other person might recognise these persons. This relationship has been going on since quite long and I am being more and more disgusted with these two. The thing which disgust me the most is that the guy's wife was pregnant while he was having an affair with that woman. Each time, I talked to that woman, she justified her act. She used her unhappy marriage, her violent husband, her hardships in life as excuses that give her the right to have an affair. She says zat she loves her husband and this man. I feel zat by keeping my mouth shut I am participating indirectly in their sin and this is unjust for his wife. This man even takes this woman at his place under the cover of being her friend. Please can you give me some ideas on how I should proceed to tell his wife?




  1. It's best to stay out of messy situations like these, who knows as desperate and dumb as women are today, his wife probably already know he's cheating and decided to turn the other cheek or in denial

  2. It is none of your business.

    It is always better to mind your business to keep your peace of mind.

    Do not poke your nose into somebody's affair.

    If you are jealous on what they are doing - you have to follow their foot steps and start doing what they are doing.

    A day will come, his wife takes suitable action her self.

    These things will not remain a secret.

    Whatever it may be. Mind your business is my advise to you.

  3. you should not get involved in this situation. its hard to watch it but someone always gets hurt and then they try to blame the person who told.

  4. it is best to stay out of this situation reason is you mentiones she has a violent husband, have you ever been through that it is not easy, nor is it easy to get out of because of threats, yes she is having an affair yet this may be her only way of feeling that little bit loved and obtaining the right affection she needs to keep her sane, you seem to be sure to tell his wife why i dont know but since you want to do it this bad i suggest you email her or call her and just tell her, but from you have written you should have stayed out of this one

  5. I was in a similar situation like this before and how I did it to protect my friendship with her is I told her that I had a friend (which I really did but she did not know that it was her) and that her husband was cheating on her and I told her everything that her husband was doing but she thought that I was talking about someone else and then I asked her if this was you in this situation would you want someone to tell you shockingly she told me "NO" and I left it at that because sometimes telling people things that they sometimes already know will only make them angry towards you.  

  6. Stay out of it. It is none of your business. Sooner or later they will get caught. They always do.

  7. stay out of it-- you have already gone too far by using their names on here.   you sound like you have some agenda with these two people--  its not your concern

  8. Shame on you for publishing the names of these people!  I don't think you are trying to help at all.  I believe you are being a busy-body under the guise of offended morality.  Who died and made you the fidelity police?

    You need to mind your own business.  You sound way too involved in the details of your co-workers private lives.  If you are so all fired moral and want to be involved try this.  

    1. Find out where both couples worship and invite their pastors for an intervention at your house.

    2. Find and pay for a therapist to counsel both marriages.

    Too intrusive?  Too risky? You bet!  So is your involvement to this point.  Knock it off!  Pray for them and stop talking about them to anyone that will listen.  That is your only obligation, beside figuring out why you want in on someone else's drama.  Sounds like you're really jealous that Gino beat you to the punch with this woman!

  9. You are just co-workers not related, so why dont you just pretend that it is non of your business, i know you are pissed with the way they cheat on the pregnant wife but believe me it is not worth telling the wife, what happens if you tell her and she still decide to keep her marriage, ofcourse she will tell her husband it was you.

  10. yes tell her  when my hubby cheated on me i didnt knew so we had 2 kids if i would know earlier i would of dump him tell her no matter what we women have to have each others backk

  11. Just tell her she needs to kno whats going on ,by the way just give her the w***e number en she can call,she is innoocent en she needs to know what if she is infected by HIV .

    U wont regret

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