
Should I tell me wife that somebody Maturbated over pic? How would you ladies react if someone did that to you

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I thinks one of the guys masturbated over my wife's picture in the bathrom.

I think its kind of s**y because men still find her attractive despite her age.

Should I confront the guy or leave it alone? The person is a young guy probably in his early twenties. And he's here for a few days because he's replacing our roof.

How do I know this? We have a Photo Album in the living room with all the vacation pictures we took. One of her pictures where she is in a very revealing bathing suit (plus not to mention a huge Camel toe) was found in the bathroom. And the guy was there for quite sometime.

Should I tell my wife too or leave it be? How would you ladies react if you found out?




  1. 1-  I would be kinda upset if he ruined the picture, and left the evidence in the bathroom,

    2- you might want to leave out pictures of revealing things from the family picture book, and maybe have your own special pics in the bedroom

    3- you should post the pic so guys can give you an honest feedback to see if it's worthy of such action

    4- don't bring it up to the guy- I'd watch him more carefully, he might want to rummage your wifes panty drawers, but good roofers are hard to find

  2. This didnt really happen did it?

    You are just hoping that the public interraction will sexually excite you.

    Post a picture of her and I might just believe you.

  3. Since you both obviously find her attractive this sounds like the beginning of a group of circle jerks.

  4. Leave it be... don't say a thing about it.

  5. I  would not tell her at all and not confront him

  6. I'd find it kind of flattering, funny and a bit gross. I'd not be able to look at the guy in the same way again either.

    Maybe it's easier if you pretend you never found out.

  7. i would find that a major compliment if my b/f told me that... then again he looks like johnny depp... Dont tell her she might get to flattered.

  8. I guess I would be flattered, especially if the guy looked like Johnny Depp. Maybe I'm just weird, though.

  9. If you confronted him he might deny it and be offended or admitt it. Either way, surely it's going to make it uncomfortable between you for the next few days?

    Same if you tell your wife - she might be uncomfortable, or flattered - which you might not like, if she starts flirting, or she might be offended. Either way, it makes for an uncomfortable few days.

    I would put all photo albums away whilst he's there and forget it. But hey, if she ever becomes overly self-concious, you could always use this story to cheer her up when he's gone. Assuming you know whether she'll be offended or not. I couldn't really guess without knowing your wife.

  10. I'll tell you what my husband would do. He would kick the s**+* out of that guy and send him packin. I would not tell your wife until after he is gone, you should make him leave. That is totally dis-respectful to you and her.

  11. Lol, watch your wife closely for the next few weeks and don't say a word.

  12. Leave it be. I wouldn't want to know.

  13. Some things are better left unsaid.

  14. Well, if you're going to pose for pics in a skimpy swimsuit and then leave them lying around for everyone to see, what do you expect? If you don't want people seeing stuff like that, either don't take the photos in the first place or hide them very well.

  15. I would think that was really creepy and it would be really awkward aroung the guy so I wouldn't tell her, or tell her when he's finished the roof and gone. As for confronting him, did he have to dig through your stuff to find the photo? If so that raises a different issue. But I don't think you need to confront him about the masturbating.

  16. Don't tell her. I'd be sorta disgusted if I were her and if I were you I'd be offended. The guy is a pervert. Hopefully he's not a dangerous one.

  17. Someone that is fixing your roof should not be rummaging through your pictures and masturbating in your bathroom. Plain and simple. Without knowing your wife it's hard to say whether you should tell her or not. Only you really can determine that. I do feel, however, that honesty should prevail. What if, somehow, she found out and knew that you knew? This could impact your trust with one another.

  18. NOT REALLY A BIG DEAL. Forget about it and go eat a sandwich. Don't tell her.

    Next question..........

  19. hmm...;...

  20. You should let it be for now, but if something happens again then I would make it known!

  21. Ooh, depends on the hotness factor of the young guy.

    If a hot young guy did the same for me at my current age, I just might be flattered as all get out. I never was a hottie, so such attention would be, well, different to say the least.

    If he was a hottie, I think your wife might like to know. If he was a total geek, then, no, say nothing.

  22. can you post that photo somewhere and provide me the link.  I am an expert on matters like this, but I am helpless as I have no idea what kind of pics we are talking about.

  23. Do not tell your wife. She'll be humiliated and very uncomfortable around this guy in the future. Men and women have very, very different perspectives on things. While you may be flattered that someone else finds her attractive, she will feel exposed and saddened that her picture was treated in this way.

    I don't really think there's a reason to confront the guy. He's more than likely just young and horny. He shouldn't be masturbating in your home or to your wife's picture, but some guys are just S****y and can't help themselves. The only reason to confront the guy is if you think your wife may be in danger of him taking things a step further. If this guy is going to be in the vicinity for the next few days and might make lascivious remarks to your wife or leer at her when she walks by, then you definitely need to address it and possibly have him removed from the roof-replacement team.

    On another note, don't take pics of your wife if she has a huge camel toe! That's just embarrassing!

  24. I know who it was.  It was  Andrei Skvortsov, and it was because you were in the picture, too.

  25. It's what young boys do in the toilet, forget it,or give him a copy of the photo and a box of tissues.  Under no circumstances tell your wife.  It's pretty normal behaviour and harmless unless the guy is some kind of Lunatic.

  26. I think you should tell her and ask the guy to leave. If she finds out, trust me, girls can be very emotional and she might put up a fight. Also if she finds out that you knew she would also argue with you. telling her is the best way.

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