
Should I tell my University about Depression?

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I'm starting University soon. I haven't been diagnosed with depression, but the doctor reckoned I had depression and I never went to therapy they forwarded me to because my parents were strictly against it. So I do not have a clue whether I have depression. If it was depression, then during that time it was really severe that I literally couldn't do anything and found everything difficult. I even had to miss an important exam. Well since then, a year has passed, I've been taking herbal tab without my parents knowing and I've been getting a lot better. I can manage without it now. Sometimes I have my ups and downs, apart from that it's not too bad, just mild. But I was thinking lately if I should tell the University about this? I managed to get into a decent Uni, passed the interview stage without them knowing. On top of that I didn't have proof anyway if I was to talk about it.




  1. no. You don't have to tell them.  Wait and see . If you feel that your depression is coming back or if you are having trouble with things then you may want to talk to a councilor.  

    Good luck with the changes.  Have fun and enjoy your new life.  think of this as a new beginning.  :)

    good luck :)

  2. It is discrimination for them not to give you a place under the grounds of an illness. They will offer the place no matter what. There will be counsellors, campus doctors and groups to attend to support you. You won't be alone. Special circumstances forms can grant you with coursework deadline extensions providing they gather evidence from your medical records. You should not let your issues worry you though, you sound like you've been helping yourself and all you need is confidence, a good relationship with your lecturers will help. You can email them for extra tuition tips.

  3. get a grip! for goodness sake depression is one thing for you and another to someone else! you were proberley just down, so think that you do not want to go down the easy slide of "Oh I am so depressed" that is sad !!!

  4. you will (should) have been appointed a personal tutor.  everything you tell her (or him) is strictly confidential.  depression, even if imagined, is often helped by talking with others, and they can arrange that for you.  the worst thing is to keep it a secret.

  5. If something at the Uni affects you, you should let them know. Otherwise if something happens and they don't actually know that you probably but aren't sure if you might have clinical depression, they'll just think your behavior is strange and inexcusable. BUT if you have a reason, like having clinical depression, they will understand and help you out with it... That was SOO well written LooL Cheer up :P

  6. No, if i were you i wouldn't.

    If you had a disability or something then it would be important to tell them, like if you had hearing problems and needed a note taker.

    There aren't a lot of practical solutions that your university can offer so in that case I would keep it to myself, esp as you have not been diagnosed.

    I'm sure they have a counsellor that you can talk to in confidence if needs be.

  7. It certainly wouldn't hurt. They may be able to put you in touch with services that will be of use to you.

  8. yes you should tell them. they will only help you out. after all they want you to be able to succeed.  

  9. Its really about what youre comfortable with. It has no disatvantages besides the possible in your head nervousness of telling a complete stranger (and depending on the person this may be worse even than having them not know)! Its all about you!

  10. Honestly, they could care less what you have.  You don't even know for sure if you are clinically depressed or not or maybe you just happened to go through a bump in the road.

    Your professors aren't going to care if you don't study for an exam because you were depressed.  They're just going to know that you missed the exam.

    My daughter has Cerebral palsy and we do NOT let her use it as a crutch.   Nothing stops her.  Nothing.

    Enjoy college life!!!!  You have a whole new beginning!  GO FIND YOURSELF!   Don't let anything hold you back!


  11. It's not something that you have to share with them at all, they are not entitled to know about it.  However if you think you might miss out on big exams due to it, it might be helpful to let your doctor know you are planning on going to uni, as it can be very stressful and flare up depressive episodes.  You can then always get a doctors note to explain why you missed the exam and re-take it when you are feeling better


  12. Very good idea to tell them

    I'm sure they will be very understanding and will most likely have staff whose job it is to deal specifically with student issues such as this  

  13. DEFINATELY!!! it can only help, my flatmate is depressed too at uni. she found it hard to wake up in the mornings, couldnt always commit in work etc etc. shes had millions of extensions, retakes in exams and they also supplied her with a counsellor that she goes whenever  she can as its close to the site(all uni's should have this). just like you would tell them if you were sick, as depression is on the same level as that. teachers at uni are human and they can only help. good luck with uni and your depression

  14. Your parents sound evil.  I would tell the uni if I were you.  Your parents can't do anything about what you do now you are a adult and the more people (in places like uni and doctors etc.) that know the better.  The uni can help you.  I didn't tell my uni and then when I failed they wouldn't believe me that I had depression and were actually quite rude to me.  That's Kingston University in SW London, if anyone wants a really bad uni.  Now you are an adult you have to take full control of your life and do what's best for you.

    Good Luck.

    PS If you think you had depression, you had depression.  It can't be diagnosed by a blood test (for example) only by how you feel.

  15. no you should not tell them. you may want to speak to certain professors if and only if you believe it may effect your performance in the classes.  

  16. No need to tell the "university". They have student advisers , possibly if you start feeling down, you should talk to your adviser at school. Lots of people deal with depression, more than you realize. If you can have access to a doctor now that you are in college, then go talk to a doctor.

  17. Depression is a medical disorder, not just a state of mind.

    Just like you'd tell the university if you were epileptic or had asthma, you should let them know you are clinically depressed.

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